I seriously LOVE pictures of my kids sleeping. They just seems more angelic when they aren't yelling or talking back. The big boys sleep on the floor in my room while we are at my mom's and they always have the funniest positions! They will totally be snugglers when they get married. They are so much like their daddy!

I love Taylor's arm around Carter!

Cute little bugs!

Daddy and his babies!

When we were home during the weekend we had a little poo experience so I went in the babies room to clean up the mess and had Rhett watch all the kids while I was scrubbing carpets! It was gross, but this made it all worth it when I got back in my room. They were so tired they just cuddled right up onto Rhett and the three of them fell asleep! Rhett I just want you to know that you are such a great dad and a wonderful husband!!! I love you so much and appreciate all the stress and hard work that you are doing to provide a better life for me and the kids! I can't wait until Carter gets out of school and I can snuggle you at night! Thank you for all you do!
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