Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Box Tops

Dear Mrs Willeford, (Or Carter future teachers)

I understand that the school needs money and box tops are a great way of earning a little extra. Carter came home with a piece of paper the other day that had 25 slots for you to paste our box tops to. He was so excited! The due date was set for a week away. He said if he didn't get his filled out the school wouldn't have enough money to do the fun activities anymore! I feel like that's a lot of pressure for a 6 year old.

While I was taking a shower today I noticed that Carter was taping box tops to the paper! He was excited to bring it in to show his support for the school and their fund raisers! I guess the point that I'm trying to get across is that I would rather send Carter in with the $2.50 than to see holes in all my pasta boxes, cookie dough, and flour! It really made a mess, but I'm glad Carter could contribute to the fund raiser! In the future... we will only be donating the box tops that the boxes are empty!

Rebecca Olsen

1 comment:

  1. Jace's school does the same thing and it's so annoying. I haven't cut out any box tops as of yet. Sorry that Taylor is having a hard time adjusting .... so is Brooke. Moving is just hard sometimes.
