We finally got the internet back up and working so I'll be posting quite a few fun adventures that we went on last month!
This was when we went to Torii Station and had a beach bbq. It was really fun. Every Friday night they have this thing where you buy your meat and cook it up there! We went with some friends and bought a couple steaks and hot dogs to throw on the grill. I have been lucky that Rhett is so good with a grill! The steaks were so great! Thanks babe! The kids had a blast throwing sand, playing in the water, and catching hermit crabs!
The kids had so much sand everywhere that it makes me happy that we only spent a couple thousand dollars for the Van! It has about an inch of sand in it and the kids scalps definitely need some permanent scraping to get it all out, but the important thing is that we are having a blast here!
Here are a couple updated pictures!
Funny Carter Moment-
We were all in the car yesterday and Carter says, "Guess what my nickname is?" Rhett and I start throwing out a couple nicknames that we call him. He goes, "No, my nickname at school... what all the kids call me." We give up and he says, "Conner."
It was so funny. We try to explain that they are just getting his name wrong and that he needs to correct them. He says he has, but they have a cousin named Conner so they just get confused! Then he says, "It's okay... I love my new nickname Conner."
What a nut!!!
I love your pictures! What a beautiful spot on this Earth you are living now. We sure miss you guys though. Tell Carter we like his new nickname, but we like his name even better! Sure love you guys!!!!