Sunday, May 1, 2011

Slip N Slide

Rhett has been living through the little boys again. This time with a slip n slide. He set it up a couple weeks ago and the boys had the time of their lives. Rhett didn't feel like the slip n slide was good enough... so we had a BBQ with friends and he went and bought a bigger one for the kids to play on. It was quite the hit. I'm pretty sure all of them had bruises and scrapes from going so fast and hitting the little jump in the middle of the slide. :)

Mission Accomplished-

Rhett giving the baby a push down.

Taylor LOVED the slip n slide and went down it more than everyone else combined. He had such a good time. I'm surprised because he ate it pretty hard several times. :)

Anyway, this is another reason why the little boys love Daddy. He is always setting fun things and activities for them to do!

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