Typhoon Songda did a number on the Air Force Base. It was classified as a category 5 a day before it hit, but by the time it hit land had come down to a category 4. We had secured our trampoline between 2 trees and had put 10 heavy sand bags on top of it. The winds were so strong that they pulled up one of the trees to which we had it tied. Then, me and Rhett just watched from the window as the wind destroyed it. It kept throwing it up in the air and bashing it against the ground until the metal broke. It folded over like a pancake. The kids were so upset when they woke up in the morning to find it broken.
We spent several hours the next morning cleaning up debris from the typhoon. We took apart the trampoline and separated it into the different recyclable piles. :( We then carried tree limbs to the curb for pick up. We drove around the base and saw the damage and were shocked to see how many trees were turned over or broken in half. We saw many sheds lying broken on lawns and even a few motorcycles that had been thrown into the road.
Other things that happened to friends was a couple trees that went though cars and even somebody that lived near a salvage yard had a refrigerator come through his car windshield. It's still kind of a mess, but everyone is helping in cleaning up the effects of the typhoon.
We lost power for 15 hours, but were lucky to get it fixed quickly. Others went without for a couple days.

We were sad to see all of our little trees snapped in half, but lucky that nothing came through any of our windows or patio doors.
It was a really wild storm and now I can honestly say that we survived a huge typhoon. Typhoon season just started so wish us luck for the next 3 1/2 months. :)
Here are a few pictures of the trampoline. I was just so bummed that we had just bought it last month. The kids played on it every single day so we will be saving for a new one after typhoon season is over. :)
Sorry there are so many gaps in the writing. My pictures are acting odd today! :(