Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Typhoon Songda

Typhoon Songda did a number on the Air Force Base. It was classified as a category 5 a day before it hit, but by the time it hit land had come down to a category 4. We had secured our trampoline between 2 trees and had put 10 heavy sand bags on top of it. The winds were so strong that they pulled up one of the trees to which we had it tied. Then, me and Rhett just watched from the window as the wind destroyed it. It kept throwing it up in the air and bashing it against the ground until the metal broke. It folded over like a pancake. The kids were so upset when they woke up in the morning to find it broken.

We spent several hours the next morning cleaning up debris from the typhoon. We took apart the trampoline and separated it into the different recyclable piles. :( We then carried tree limbs to the curb for pick up. We drove around the base and saw the damage and were shocked to see how many trees were turned over or broken in half. We saw many sheds lying broken on lawns and even a few motorcycles that had been thrown into the road.

Other things that happened to friends was a couple trees that went though cars and even somebody that lived near a salvage yard had a refrigerator come through his car windshield. It's still kind of a mess, but everyone is helping in cleaning up the effects of the typhoon.

We lost power for 15 hours, but were lucky to get it fixed quickly. Others went without for a couple days.
We were sad to see all of our little trees snapped in half, but lucky that nothing came through any of our windows or patio doors.

It was a really wild storm and now I can honestly say that we survived a huge typhoon. Typhoon season just started so wish us luck for the next 3 1/2 months. :)

Here are a few pictures of the trampoline. I was just so bummed that we had just bought it last month. The kids played on it every single day so we will be saving for a new one after typhoon season is over. :)

All the legs were bent and it snapped several of the poles in half. :(

Sorry there are so many gaps in the writing. My pictures are acting odd today! :(

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Carter and the Beanstalk

At school Carter made a beanstalk. He started from a tiny bean and wrapped it in a paper towel. He brought it home and was really disappointed because it was so tiny and some of the kid's were HUGE. Well, I took him outside and we grabbed some potting soil and planted those two beans. We watered it together and these beans would literally grow before my eyes. We would wake up in the morning and it had grown at least an inch. Anyway, Carter has loved having his beanstalk and was quite convinced that we would soon be able to climb up to the giant :) What a sweet boy!

This is after the first couple days-

Then, it just took off growing. You will notice after this picture there is only one bean. It was a sad tragedy that killed the other bean. We were playing football in the house... always a BAD idea.... and Carter missed the ball and it flew right into the cup. I thought we may lose them both, but this stalk was a real trooper and continued to grow for us! :)

This is after about the fourth day in the soil. It started to grow the leaves and Carter couldn't contain his excitement about it. We haven't had a lot of luck with growing ANYTHING so it was AWESOME to see this growing so well for us. Even the babies and Taylor loved to check on the progress of the beanstalk.

Well, at this point we felt that the beanstalk would do better outside. We both went out and picked the perfect spot for our little beanstalk. We got some more soil and planted it with love. It grew about another inch and last night was taken out by Super Typhoon Songda. We were very sad to see our little beanstalk, that had survived the football attack, laying on the ground all withered. :( Carter's words were, "That stupid typhoon ruined all my stuff." It also took out the trampoline. That was a sad moment for me. We have wanted to get one for the kids for two years and finally paid the $300 for it last month. Grr... first typhoon completely ruined it. Super bummer! Pictures soon to come. We are safe and that is what really matters. This storm was incredible. I have never seen anything like it. It took out so many full grown trees and snapped all the small trees we had in the yard. What a mess!!!

Temples in the Sand

We had our branch activity a couple weeks ago. It was called Temples in the Sand. They had all sorts of fun activities from making sand Temples to digging for Temple pictures in the sand. They had a great relay race and lots of food and fun. It was such a great time to get to know the branch a little better!

We love any excuse to head to the beach. It has been really heating up lately.

The Salt Lake Temple-

Me and Taylor in front of the island-

Mommy helping Ryker with the relay race. We had to run back and forth with that little cup and fill it up with water. Then, we ran it back to a big bucket to fill it up-

Taylor dashing out to the water to fill up the cup- He loved the race.

The little ones shooting water guns at each other-

Carter building his temple.

It was such a fun day. We had a picnic and lots of fun with our friends. We are thrilled to be able to play at the beach so often. What a great place we live in!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A thin veil?

Sometimes I feel that the veil between this life and the next is thin. Tonight was one of those nights-

I was putting Hunter and Ryker to bed when all the sudden they both got very excited, Ryker started shouting, "granpa, granpa." I kind of smiled and said, "What? Where's Grandpa?" To which they both pointed right up to the ceiling and continued chanting, "Dar Granpa. Dat light."

We were getting ready for bed so all the lights were out!

Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes. I really miss Ken and though I know he is watching out for my boys it really hit home hard. I wish so much that I too had the chance to see him. I guess I will get chance in time. I will just have to be happy with that thought and in knowing we will get to see him again someday! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This last week-

This last week has been really busy.
It started on Friday when Rhett took all the little boys on the father/sons camping trip at Torii Beach. They had a blast. (Pictures soon to come.) He only took a few pictures, but they had a great time playing on the beach and sleeping in a tent. That was the highlight. :) I also had a great time with them camping. I went to the Relief Society Cultural Exchange, took a long hot bath while watching a chick flick, slept in, and to top it all off went and got a pedicure in the morning. What a great break. Thanks Rhett!!!

I went upstairs to make sure all the kids were asleep and giggled when I saw this. Both babies had their fingers hanging through the door. :)

I just went back downstairs and finished the dishes. When I came back up I saw this...

He is such a sucker for these two. He loves snuggling babies and they tend to sleep in my bed way more than they should.

We separated the kids the other day and had a special date. Rhett took the big boys to the golfing range and I asked the little boys what they wanted to do. They wanted a pizza party and cartoons in "Mommies Bed." So that is exactly what we did. It was a fun date. They are growing up so fast and it was fun to spend some time alone with just the little guys. :)

Taylor has been cracking me up lately--

Here a couple funny things that he has said this week-

When we were waiting to pick up Carter from school a class was outside playing. They had a lot of girls and he was really watching them. :) He looks up and says, "Mommy, I'm going to marry 1000 girls."

To which I replied, "Why do you want to marry 1000 girls Taylor?"

He said, "So I can kiss them all... on the lips."

Yikes! I'm really going to have to watch this one.

Another funny thing he said this week while watching Rhett playing a video game. Rhett pulled out a lightsaber for the game. Taylor got really excited and said, "Yeah you look so cool like On One Kobe." Rhett just laughed and said, "Obi wan Kenobi"

He is such a funny little nut lately. I am sure glad he's in my family.

We also picked up another froggy potty and some big boy pants. The babies are excited to get started going pee pee in the big boys potty. Hopefully it will go smoothly. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Can you get anymore pee on the seat? I'm surprised that the water is even a tiny bit yellow. I guess he did get some in there after all.

This is a life with 5 boys vs. 1 girl. Gross!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

8th Anniversary

The day started out with these beautiful flowers!

We got all dressed up and headed out~

Rhett and I just celebrated 8 years together. We decided to get a babysitter and go out and have some fun. We went and ate teppanyaki at the Four Seasons. I had the steak and shrimp and Rhett just had the steak. The food was SO good and the atmosphere was fun as well. The chef put on a little show with the salt and pepper shakers that was pretty funny. For the drink we ordered the Okinawa lime juice and it was tasty! It was fun to see the guy making the food right in front of us too. :)

After dinner, we were both stuffed. We decided to walk over to the Ferris Wheel and go for a little ride. It was kind of boring, but fun to see everything from up high in the sky. It was kind of romantic with the rain splattering the windows. :) My hair was going crazy due to the humidity. I guess it's pony tail weather.

After dinner, we were both stuffed. We decided to walk over to the Ferris Wheel and go for a little ride. It was kind of boring, but fun to see everything from up high in the sky. It was kind of romantic with the rain splattering the windows. :) My hair was going crazy due to the humidity. I guess it's pony tail weather.

After the ferris wheel we headed over to pamper our feet a little. We did the Doctor Fish and it was hilarious. You put your feet in this pool of water and hundreds of fish come and clean them up a little by sucking on them and eating the yucky skin. Rhett had a sunburn that was peeling so it was so funny to watch all these little fish nibble on his toes. I couldn't stop laughing. It tickled so much. It felt so good though.

After we got pampered we headed to Yogurt Land for dessert. I was pretty full from dinner, but we both still managed to stuff ourselves further with this delicious frozen yogurt. I can't remember which flavors I picked, but Rhett got the tiramisu and chocolate/strawberry. I'm pretty sure mine was like a raspberry tart or something. Both were so good and I love all the variety of toppings you can add to it. :) That's how they get it to add up to so much. Worth it!!!

We were going to catch a movie after that, but the theatre was closed that night. Overall, we had a blast together. It is always nice to spend some quality alone time with the person you love. :) Thanks Rhett for eight exciting years together.... here's to the next eight being nothing but smooth sailing! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I don't mean to brag, but Rhett and I have two of the most fantastic Mother's in or out of this world. I can't stress how great they are. They are SO supportive and loving.

I would just like to take a moment to thank my Mom and tell her how much I love and appreciate her-

Being a Mother myself I have come to realize and appreciate my Mom so much more. I still don't know how you raised all eight of us. :) I struggle with my four. Thank you so much Mom for everything that you have done for me. Thank you for the hours and hours of phone calls while I complained about my trials. :) Thank you for the simple guidance you have shown and for always being there for me to listen.

Thank you for your example. You have been such a great example from everything to raising kids to keeping strong in a marriage. I want you to know that you are my ultimate hero and I will always look up to you. I think about you so much and can honestly say that I don't miss anyone as much as I miss you. I miss you when I'm sick and want someone to bring me some soup and I miss you when I'm struggling with making meals. I'm so glad that you have always let me tag along on the family vacations. It was so fun enjoying all the time share spots with you and letting my kids enjoys their grandparents. I am so happy to know that you are there for each one of us and it makes me smile that each one of us has moved back into the house sometime in our marriage. Thank you for supporting us. I love you and couldn't have asked for a more excellent Mom.

I have a note in my scriptures that you wrote to me in 1997. It talks about different times that you have prayed for me. I appreciate all your prayers throughout the years. I know that I wasn't the best girl and I sometimes got a little wild, but I always knew that you loved me... even when I didn't always love myself. I love reading back through that letter. I read it when I'm really missing you and just need to feel you closer. :)

I am so happy that you gave me your name. I promise that I will do my very best to honor it. I really really love you. I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts! :) You're the BEST!!!

Now Rhett would like to say a few words to his great Mother Melanie-

Mom, thank you so much for always being there for me and supporting me. For always being there to bandage those cuts and scrapes and to cook all those meals. Thank you for loving me through my good times and bad times. Thanks for all the emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual support and guidance. You have always been a rock for Becky and I.
I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day. You deserve it.
I love you mom!

I really love you Melanie. You have been a second Mother to me and I have loved getting to know you throughout the years. I love the phone calls and you can always get me giggling about your funny stories and dreams. Thank you for being there for our family. My kids absolutely adore you. We had such a blast having you visit. We all love you so much and hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow! :)

I also had a great day today-

Rhett and the little ones are sick, but it was so fun to see Carter step up to the plate. He asked me if today was Mother's Day and after I told him yes he ran to his room to get his gift. He had made me this adorable little book about all the different hats I wear. (EX) My Mom is a teacher. She taught me how to make my bed. My Mom is a cook. She makes the best waffles...ect.

As I was looking at it and the beautiful flower he had made me with paper. He ran downstairs to check on his little brothers. A couple minutes later he came up carrying a plate with two waffles and syrup on it. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see how grown up he is. I am so proud of the little man that he is becoming.

Hunter was walking around with his water bottle and wanted it filled up. We could hear him ask Carter in his cute little voice, "Peas put more fo me." Carter immediately said, "Do you want me to fill it up for you?" Then, he ran right in the bathroom and filled it up. It melts my heart to see him acting so kindly to his brothers. He truly is one of the sweetest kids in the world and I am so glad that he is in our family. I love you buddy. Thank you for making Mother's Day so amazing. He was also the only one to make it to church with me today. You sang me a beautiful song with the primary and you made me so proud. The others really are pretty sick so all is forgiven. :)

Another cute thing that happened tonight that made my Mother's Day. I went in to get the babies to bed and Ryker wanted to sleep with us. While we were singing he kept saying, "But I scared." I told him that he had Hunter to snuggle with if he got scared and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Hunter reached right over and hugged him and said, "It's otay Ryke I here too." I can't tell you how much I love seeing these two together. They are best friends and just really enjoy being together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family and am so thankful that I get to be a Mother to four beautiful little boys.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring is here-

When Melanie was here we took her to the zoo. They had just planted this adorable little elephant. Don't you think it turned out so cute Melanie?

Anyway, this post is dedicated to Melanie.

I went to the zoo the other day and remembered that I had made you a promise to take pictures of the adorable little field trip groups. It was hard to get a good shot, but I did take a couple. :)

They were so excited to see the little boys and everyone comes up to touch the blonde hair... it is suppose to bring good luck?!?

I just love how all the flowers are coming out right now. They are so pretty. I love spring time, but wish the rain would stop for a day or two so we can go out and really enjoy them. :)

The flower pot elephant-

Hunter by some pretty flowers-

Ryker by some pretty flowers-

The adorable little kids and their matching hats. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This year Easter was pretty mellow.

Rhett's work threw a big picnic and Easter egg hunt on Saturday. We woke up and Carter had a play date with Gracie. They came and picked him up in the morning. They were going to do an Easter egg hunt, but it was pouring rain so it got cancelled.

We got the kids dressed and headed out the door in the pouring rain hoping that Rhett's work one was moved indoors. They had everything set up in the covered parking. :) It was awesome. They had hundreds of eggs littering the ground when we got there. The twins went wild grabbing them and throwing them. They soon found that when they tossed it... it would break... and candy would appear. Bad news. I was trying to keep them away from the eggs until they started the egg hunt, but it was an impossible task. :)

I wasn't the only parent that was having a hard time so they decided to do the egg hunt shortly after we got there. We saw a fire truck pull up and out popped Sparky the dog and the Easter Bunny. The kids reactions were a little mixed. Taylor could have cared less, but did give the Easter bunny a high five for a treat. Hunter hugged them both and thought they were great while Ryker was going no where near either of them.

After that they did the egg hunt followed by lunch and tons of little activities. They had face painting to which Taylor really wanted to go, but said to the lady, "Do you know any boy things?" She replied she could do a dragon and he was so excited.

They had bubbles which I couldn't keep the twins away from. They had a bouncer, but it was covered in rain. :( They had chalk. Messy, but fun. Then, they had all these little races. They had a three-legged race, sack race, and egg relay.

I am so proud to say that the sack hop was for fathers/sons and Taylor and Rhett won. Taylor had the biggest smile on his face the whole time and it was cute to see Rhett cheering him on. He doesn't usually get to be the biggest boy so it was fun to have him be in the spotlight. :) He also won a chocolate bunny for winning the race!

Carter went to round 1 with Gracie. They were gone for five hours and had a blast together. His favorite things they did there was the archery, basketball, and golf. He also had fun just being with Gracie and getting a happy meal at A & W on the way home. :) He is so big now. Cute little muffin.

Taylor felt bad that Carter didn't get to do an egg hunt so he hid a bunch of eggs up in his bedroom for Carter and Gracie to find. He has such a tender heart. I love when they do nice things without being asked or told. It just melts my heart! :)

Here are a few pictures from the day-

Hunter with his candy. They would mostly throw the eggs and get the candy out. Then, they would just leave the empty egg.

There were SO many eggs and not nearly as many kids as they had thought... so ALL the kids got a ton.

Taylor giving the Easter Bunny a high five.

Collecting eggs.

The three little ones showing Daddy their loot.

Saying hi to the Easter Bunny. The only way I could get Ryker to stay there was to let his hold the bubbles.

Sack race.

And the proud winners. It was seriously the most adorable race. He hopped like a champ. I think all that practice on the trampoline helped him in the race. :)

We had a great Easter. We played on Saturday and focused on the true meaning on Sunday. The kids talked a lot about resurrection and asked many questions about why Grandpa Olsen hasn't been resurrected yet. They were really concerned. It was touching to see how much they miss their Grandpa. :)

Slip N Slide

Rhett has been living through the little boys again. This time with a slip n slide. He set it up a couple weeks ago and the boys had the time of their lives. Rhett didn't feel like the slip n slide was good enough... so we had a BBQ with friends and he went and bought a bigger one for the kids to play on. It was quite the hit. I'm pretty sure all of them had bruises and scrapes from going so fast and hitting the little jump in the middle of the slide. :)

Mission Accomplished-

Rhett giving the baby a push down.

Taylor LOVED the slip n slide and went down it more than everyone else combined. He had such a good time. I'm surprised because he ate it pretty hard several times. :)

Anyway, this is another reason why the little boys love Daddy. He is always setting fun things and activities for them to do!