Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring is here-

When Melanie was here we took her to the zoo. They had just planted this adorable little elephant. Don't you think it turned out so cute Melanie?

Anyway, this post is dedicated to Melanie.

I went to the zoo the other day and remembered that I had made you a promise to take pictures of the adorable little field trip groups. It was hard to get a good shot, but I did take a couple. :)

They were so excited to see the little boys and everyone comes up to touch the blonde hair... it is suppose to bring good luck?!?

I just love how all the flowers are coming out right now. They are so pretty. I love spring time, but wish the rain would stop for a day or two so we can go out and really enjoy them. :)

The flower pot elephant-

Hunter by some pretty flowers-

Ryker by some pretty flowers-

The adorable little kids and their matching hats. :)

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