Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A thin veil?

Sometimes I feel that the veil between this life and the next is thin. Tonight was one of those nights-

I was putting Hunter and Ryker to bed when all the sudden they both got very excited, Ryker started shouting, "granpa, granpa." I kind of smiled and said, "What? Where's Grandpa?" To which they both pointed right up to the ceiling and continued chanting, "Dar Granpa. Dat light."

We were getting ready for bed so all the lights were out!

Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes. I really miss Ken and though I know he is watching out for my boys it really hit home hard. I wish so much that I too had the chance to see him. I guess I will get chance in time. I will just have to be happy with that thought and in knowing we will get to see him again someday! :)

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