I don't mean to brag, but Rhett and I have two of the most fantastic Mother's in or out of this world. I can't stress how great they are. They are SO supportive and loving.
I would just like to take a moment to thank my Mom and tell her how much I love and appreciate her-

Being a Mother myself I have come to realize and appreciate my Mom so much more. I still don't know how you raised all eight of us. :) I struggle with my four. Thank you so much Mom for everything that you have done for me. Thank you for the hours and hours of phone calls while I complained about my trials. :) Thank you for the simple guidance you have shown and for always being there for me to listen.
Thank you for your example. You have been such a great example from everything to raising kids to keeping strong in a marriage. I want you to know that you are my ultimate hero and I will always look up to you. I think about you so much and can honestly say that I don't miss anyone as much as I miss you. I miss you when I'm sick and want someone to bring me some soup and I miss you when I'm struggling with making meals. I'm so glad that you have always let me tag along on the family vacations. It was so fun enjoying all the time share spots with you and letting my kids enjoys their grandparents. I am so happy to know that you are there for each one of us and it makes me smile that each one of us has moved back into the house sometime in our marriage. Thank you for supporting us. I love you and couldn't have asked for a more excellent Mom.
I have a note in my scriptures that you wrote to me in 1997. It talks about different times that you have prayed for me. I appreciate all your prayers throughout the years. I know that I wasn't the best girl and I sometimes got a little wild, but I always knew that you loved me... even when I didn't always love myself. I love reading back through that letter. I read it when I'm really missing you and just need to feel you closer. :)
I am so happy that you gave me your name. I promise that I will do my very best to honor it. I really really love you. I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts! :) You're the BEST!!!
Now Rhett would like to say a few words to his great Mother Melanie-
Mom, thank you so much for always being there for me and supporting me. For always being there to bandage those cuts and scrapes and to cook all those meals. Thank you for loving me through my good times and bad times. Thanks for all the emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual support and guidance. You have always been a rock for Becky and I.
I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day. You deserve it.
I love you mom!
I really love you Melanie. You have been a second Mother to me and I have loved getting to know you throughout the years. I love the phone calls and you can always get me giggling about your funny stories and dreams. Thank you for being there for our family. My kids absolutely adore you. We had such a blast having you visit. We all love you so much and hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow! :)
I also had a great day today-
Rhett and the little ones are sick, but it was so fun to see Carter step up to the plate. He asked me if today was Mother's Day and after I told him yes he ran to his room to get his gift. He had made me this adorable little book about all the different hats I wear. (EX) My Mom is a teacher. She taught me how to make my bed. My Mom is a cook. She makes the best waffles...ect.
As I was looking at it and the beautiful flower he had made me with paper. He ran downstairs to check on his little brothers. A couple minutes later he came up carrying a plate with two waffles and syrup on it. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see how grown up he is. I am so proud of the little man that he is becoming.
Hunter was walking around with his water bottle and wanted it filled up. We could hear him ask Carter in his cute little voice, "Peas put more fo me." Carter immediately said, "Do you want me to fill it up for you?" Then, he ran right in the bathroom and filled it up. It melts my heart to see him acting so kindly to his brothers. He truly is one of the sweetest kids in the world and I am so glad that he is in our family. I love you buddy. Thank you for making Mother's Day so amazing. He was also the only one to make it to church with me today. You sang me a beautiful song with the primary and you made me so proud. The others really are pretty sick so all is forgiven. :)
Another cute thing that happened tonight that made my Mother's Day. I went in to get the babies to bed and Ryker wanted to sleep with us. While we were singing he kept saying, "But I scared." I told him that he had Hunter to snuggle with if he got scared and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Hunter reached right over and hugged him and said, "It's otay Ryke I here too." I can't tell you how much I love seeing these two together. They are best friends and just really enjoy being together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family and am so thankful that I get to be a Mother to four beautiful little boys.
I love you Becky! You made me cry! Thanks for being a sweet daughter. We sure love and miss you. I can't believe what a big kid Carter is becoming. We sure miss seeing them. Thanks for sharing your lives on your blog. We love reading and seeing your family grow up. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day. You are a great Mom!