Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cowboys and Indians

Cowboys and Indians with homemade bow and arrows and sharpened sticks is NOT A GOOD IDEA! 

It could result in injuries to the body and FACE!

Off to the ER we went for the second time in a month. I was smart though and kept him in the same bloody shirt that he was wearing. I have to say it definitely sped up the ER visit. We were brought back right away. They were worried that it was so close to his eye. They didn't know it if had hit a tear duct and examined him really close before they did anything permanent. Taylor was a total trooper.

They came in with a syringe full of water to help clean it out. It was just like a hole. Poor buddy!

Here is Taylor showing off him monthly bracelet. We have had a string of bad luck with this little dude lately. We went to the ER last month for a broken collar bone and now a bow and arrow to the face. It has just NOT been his month. This being said we sure have LOVED the special bonding time together. There is nothing like mandatory time to get to know your little buddy a bit better. We had fun laughing and joking about all sorts of funny topics. Including the punishment for Carter and Noah for shooting him. I thought a spanking was good, but Taylor thought we needed to send them to jail. He also thought death sounded like a decent punishment for such a crime. This really got us both giggling. The best suggestion of the night was when the Doctor suggested that we bury them both in sand and cover them with Habu snakes.

I sure love my Taylor.

The Doctors came in and were a little worried about stitches so close to his eye. They gave him a shot and he WIGGED OUT. It took 5 people holding him down to numb up the spot. After the stress of that they opted for "liquid stitches." Here is the Doctor glueing his hole shut. lol. He said to Taylor he needed his to stay still while he glued his eye shut and Taylor's eyes shot opened as he said, "But if you glue my eye shut I won't be able to open it." The Doctor quickly explained he was just glueing his hole shut which got me giggling like a teenager. It was just funny how he said it. :)


  1. WOW! How scary, I'm glad he's alright, and he has beautiful eyes!

  2. What a trooper that kid is. So what ended up being the punishment? lol Habu snakes?

  3. Oh my gosh...ouch. Homemade bow and arrows--geez...I am glad I have girls. Your life is a little more exciting in the injury department than I think mine will ever be. Happy healing!

  4. Ouch!!! What a tough little guy you have. We love you Taylor--hope you heal up fast!
