Saturday, March 3, 2012

David and Tom

We were so blessed to have a couple AWESOME visitors last month. Rhett's brothers Tom and David flew out for a couple weeks and we had a ball showing them a few of our favorite places on the island.

These pictures are from the park. The kids absolutely LOVE this place and would go every single day if I would take them. They had fun showing their uncles how fun the slides are here in Japan.

We had a plastic table in the backyard that the kids broke so we recycled the top and use it to FLY down these roller slides. They got going so fast on it.

Tommy is showing me his battle wounds from going down the slide. lol. He ate it pretty hard and got scuffed up a bit on his hand and arm.

Taylor protecting his broken wing.

Rhett pushing Tom on the spinner. I literally got SO SICK on this one day we went with Rhett. Rhett and I had a small contest to see who could spin the fastest for the longest time. I can't recall who won the contest BUT I do remember being nauseous the entire day. lol

Rhett and his brothers Tom and David.

It was the cherry blossom festival when they came. The blossoms are just starting to bloom and make everything beautiful.

Rhett with his train on little boys... minus Tater Tot.

We had fun at the park and having the boys here. They were so incredibly laid back and great company.


  1. So what was your favorite part of your stay in Japan? The SLIDES of course. They would at least probably be my favorite!!! Rad.

  2. I'm glad you had such a fun time with visitors! We might have to send you more or come ourselves.

  3. That park looks awesome. That's cool that you got to have some company come and visit. Everyone looks like their having a great time. Love the babies in the basket. Too cute.
