Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Okinawa World

We swapped up the Okinawa tour for the boys when they came. We decided to try out a new place and hit up Okinawa World. LOVED IT!!! They had this great cave with all sorts of stalagmites. It was really fun to walk through with the kids. Tom and Dave had a good time too, I hope! :)

We stopped to get a few photos with the Shisa Dog.

I feel like my boys are amazingly good looking. They are also the sweetest little guys in the world. I don't know what I did to get to be their Mommy, but I am so thankful for each of them everyday. They melt my heart and I LOVE their little individual personalities they each possess.

We snuck Carter out of school for the day to come and play with us. It's not everyday that your uncles come all the way to Japan for a visit.
 This little stinky pink is my little Johnson. He is so funny right now and I just enjoy his sense of humor. He is very much my teaser and I love to watch him play with his brothers.

Hunter loves to come and and tell me that me and Taylor have brown eyes and the rest of the family has blue like Daddy. He is quite the little observant stinker lately. He loves to talk and sometimes I wish I had earplugs in because he can go on forever, but I will miss that sweet little voice so I try to listen very intently to EVERYTHING he has to say!

 The whole group in front of the ship. :) Please try to ignore my hair. I actually did it that day, but the humidity from the cave did wild things to it.

Ryker is my little poser. He and Hunter LOVE to get their pictures taken and always say, "Let me see it." after I have snapped it.

It is bitter sweet how fast they are growing up. I want to press pause and just enjoy them at this age a little longer.

After the snake show they let us hold this python. It was really HEAVY. The boys thought it was so cool. We also enjoyed watching a sea snake race a mongoose or something. They had a couple habu snakes and a really cool cobra. It was fun to watch, but I will leave the playing with snakes to someone else.

Tom holding the python. David doesn't love snakes and did not feel the need to have it around his neck.

We played so hard for several hours and it was funny to watch all the kids pass out the entire way home. What a relaxing drive back it was.

We had a lot of fun here and I can say we will probably have to take Rhett back to see the cave and snakes.

We had such a great time with Tom and David here and can't wait until we see everyone this Summer.

1 comment:

  1. Taylor's face while holding the snake is priceless!!! I'm not putting any snakes around my neck EVER!!!! Looks like a fun place--I'd say it reminded me of Timpanogas Cave, but it really didn't at all. We hiked forever to get to that cave and looked dead by the time we got there. You guys look great!
