Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chiang Mai- Mae Sa Waterfall

Next stop- Mae Sa Waterfall

This was so incredible and quite honestly one of my favorite days. We love waterfalls. I mean we have been to Havasupai several times to enjoy the beauty of these bad boys.... and it is NO BREEZE getting there.

Mae Sa waterfall consisted of 10 different falls. You just keep hiking upwards and come across all of them in order. It was AMAZING! 

I know everyone is probably getting sick of all the pictures that I post, but holy crap... I loved this place! So get over it or get off my blog. ;) hahaha, Just kidding.

I LOVE this picture. I'm not one to toot my own horn, but this chick has got it going on. :) lol

I have always been one to toot Rhetts' horn. Just check out that post deployment body. Yikes. Watch out single ladies. This hot stud is back on the market! Heartbreaker. :) Yep, that's my baby daddy! 

Holy smokes we are good looking- hahaha 

Ok. I'll stop, but you get the point. :) In fact.... these pictures are too good to not make them all large. Enjoy the beauty of not only the couple, but also the amazing scenery. Absolutely breathtaking. I wish we had had all day to spend playing in the waterfalls. Definitely a must see if you go to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Mmm... salivating a little!

Found a swing. :)

Found a monkey!

Yeah, so Rhett has me go up and PRETEND to pull this large stick out. The sticks I guess were the only thing holding up these large boulders. Anyway, right as I go to touch it..... it budges. Yes, you heard me right people. That stick budged!!! I shot down the rocks like no bodies business. I only looked back once to make sure I wasn't going to get squished. Rhett thought it was hilarious! I lost 10 years of my life. Not funny!

Rhett said he would give me 5 bucks to jump in. Anyway that knows me knows that I love a good bet and I'll do pretty much anything for 5 bucks. ;)

Speaking of bets. Rhett bet me $100 that our good friends The Levy family say their name Levy with a short e sound. He was 100% positive. I know that they said it like LeeVee so I took that bet in a heart beat. It was either $100 or to shave off an eyebrow. Loser got to pick. Totally won!!! Oh, and I made that little studball pay up too. :)

Ok, so I love a good hike and I NEVER well, nearly never complain.... especially not on FILM. Rhett just got lucky with this shot. I turned around to complain about all the stairs and he snagged this beauty of me pouting. Dang it. I should have just deleted it to keep my reputation spot clean, but enjoy. Here is my pouting face! lol

There's the smile. That's because we reached THE END! :)

It was seriously such a fun morning. I was so bummed we had to catch a flight out a little later so I couldn't stay and play as long as I would have liked, but I am so glad we were able to go to see all the waterfalls. What a beautiful place. Thailand.... you are AWESOME with capital A.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. You have good reason to toot your own horn, Rhetts too! You guys are hot!!!! If you could get Rhett to stop doing those awful firepower poses he would look even better. lol. What a GORGEOUS place!
