Sunday, December 20, 2009

Seeing Santa

Not the best picture, but we did see the old man in red! Hunter was a little nervous. Ryker cried. Taylor laughed. Carter LOVED him and asked him several questions about the sled he wants and where the reindeer were at!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Rhett's Idea of Babysitting!

I went to mail off a package as soon as Rhett got home the other day! I came home and Rhett was asleep on the couch and the babies had crawled into a bin and were stuck in there! I took a few pictures and helped them out.

That's when I noticed Hunter was missing something!

Giving Back

I have been extremely proud of my little boys this week as they have helped me make little "dental" gift bags for a women/children's shelter! We set up a little assembly line and Carter would grab a bag and put a toothbrush in it, Taylor put a mouthwash and toothpaste, and I finished it off with some floss! We will be delivering these while we are up North! The little boys were excellent helpers and I loved teaching them a little about giving back!

Taylor getting everything ready for a bag!

The finished products!

We were able to put together just over 100 adult bags for the shelter and 55 children's bags! Carter and Taylor were there the entire time with huge smiles on their faces. I definitely think we will make this a Christmas tradition!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Field Trip Monday- Mormon Fort in Las Vegas

For field trip Monday today we went to the Mormon Fort in Las Vegas. It was really cool to see what the pioneers went through and gave me a much needed appreciation for my washer/dryer. The little boys had a blast being out of the stroller and being able to run around and just being free for a day! The big boys also had a blast... I mean come on we were outside with "dirt" everywhere!!! A little boys paradise! They had a cute little visitors center with some facts and a cute little video playing of how the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints arrived in Las Vegas! It was neat to show and tell my kids a little history about the pioneers! It was fun to see them enjoy this field trip so much!

Hunter climbing over a tree trunk!

Ryker smiling in front of the fort! This was not the original but a fantastic replica!

Taylor was amazed they made a fort out of wood and bricks!

Carter washing his clothes.... old school style!

The babies looking at the water under the bridge!

Mommy and the babies walking over the bridge together! Really they just wanted me to let them loose so they could run around!

The "typical" family photo, minus dad who is always at work! This happened to be the best of 7 taken! Oh well, they are only little for so long! After the field trip Julie took all the kids to her house and made a HUGE fort. They used 4 sheets and a TON of clothes pins! Thanks Julie for helping me wrangle these little boys and making their life so fun! They just adore you! Also thanks for babysitting today while I go to the dentist and have a date with my husband! I actually have to schedule a cleaning to see that poor guy anymore these days! I love you Rhett! Thanks you for all you do to provide for this crazy family you have!! I am more in love with you everyday! Work hard and make it through this week so we can play together over the holidays! I really appreciate you!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Just another habit they have "picked" up from their dad!

The pictures speak for themselves!

The REALLY digging for Gold Pick

Pinky Pick

Double Handed Dual Nostril Pick

Dainty I know I'm not suppose to Pick

I missed the pick, but I did get the taste after! Gross!!!

I hope that finger is in his mouth because if it's up his nose he has to be touching his brain!

The Quick Pick

The Treasure Hunt Pick- He did finally get it in the hole!

The I'm WAY to old to be picking my nose pick!

These are just a few pictures that haven't and will never make the photo album, but as I watched Ryker picking Hunter's nose yesterday thought they needed a moment of glory! I truly believe they get this from the Olsen genes! Everyone "Nose" Olsen's just love to "Pick" things!

For the record--- I have never seen an Olsen pick their nose! Scabs, Zits, and Sunburn peelings are a whole other story! lol.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Facial Expression!

Can you say "Scrunchy Face?" I wonder where they get this from?

Oh Well, there you go! They get it from their daddy!

Park Day

There is this really great park over by the Museum so we decided to go check it out! It was so fun! The kids really loved it! We will definitely be back! They had these statues that the kids thought were really fun to climb all over!

These little diggers were awesome! Carter, Taylor and I played on them for a long time! I have to say that I made the biggest "mountain." Nice try little boys, but I kicked your butts!
The big boys loved to RACE the babies down these little slides! It was fun until Carter really pushed Hunter down good and he flew off the end and bashed his head on the end!

A visit to one of our favorite places!

It has been flippin' cold here! I have really started to notice it the last couple days because I have been "Monster Mom." I sat down last night contemplated why I have been so grumpy and than it hit me... we haven't been out of the house in forever due to sick kids! I racked my brain for somewhere we could go out in the cold so we went to the Natural History Museum, which is one of my kids ALL time favorite places to go! So today we blew off Carter's "homeschool" and took a much needed day trip!

Hunter playing under a dinosaur bone!

Taylor digging for dinosaur bones! He could seriously play here for hours on end!

Watching the shark and stingray!

Looking at the ostrich eggs!

Playing in the Africa area! This fort scares the crap out of Taylor. It took Carter holding him in there for a quick photo shot!

Holy Smokes Santa Wrote Back!!!

The kids were completely stoked when we got the mail and Santa had written them back!

I did these at LINK . They turned out really cute!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Letters To Santa

It has been so cold lately so we decided today would be a perfect day to write letters to Santa. Carter was very funny and wanted to do the whole thing himself. He even added a couple stickers to really make Santa smile this year. I asked Taylor what he wanted several weeks ago and his answer has been the same FOREVER... lots of bouncy balls. Technically he really deserves coal this year for being so incredibly naughty, but Santa has a soft heart and wants the little stinker to get a gift or two!

Carter was seriously SO cute when asked what he wanted. He said, "I just really want a blue sled that goes in the snow." This was a few weeks ago and even as he said it I totally thought... what a waste of money! (Keeping in mind that we live in Las Vegas!) I continued to ask his every few days for the answer to change, but it never did. So Santa is getting this little sweetheart exactly what he wants. I asked him if he wanted anything else and the answer was, "No Mom. That's really enough for a boy my age!" Seriously... what a doll!

We are not only going to get him the sled that he wants, but we are going to take him to Salt Lake to the snow right after Christmas so he can actually use the thing. :)

P.S. This is BY FAR the worst my little kids have ever looked, hair not done, messy faces. In my defense... Never mind, no defense. I am a mother of 4 under 6! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Field Trip Monday- Christmas Decorating

Our family has been sick! I mean like the kind of sickness you wish silently to yourself that you were just dead instead! We are a family of six and so it started about 3 weeks ago with little Taylor. He got a fever and cried and wanted to be snuggled for two days straight. I hate having my kids feel sick, but I have to admit that I really LOVE to snuggle sick kids! We layed on the couch and watched cartoons, had mommy make his favorite soup, Ramen, and had milk in sippy cups. Shh... don't tell Rhett! 

Anyway two days later Carter was sick as a dog! So again we watched a lot of cartoons.... lots of hot soup.... and hot chocolate to relieve that sore nasty throat! I waited for those sweet little babies to get sick and it just didn't happen. I was so thrilled, but then after about a week.... all that snuggling sick kids caught up with me and I felt like death!! My body was aching, my throat was so sore, and my nose was like a drippy water faucet. I wanted to lay around and watch movies, but no mommies don't get days off when they are sick so I continued to make meals, change dirty diapers, and vacuum up those dirty floors. 

Meanwhile poor Rhett had gotten sick! He MUST have had it way worse than me because he could barely get up and go to work... and the minute he got home he laid down on the couch and NEEDED me to pamper him. I tried to tell him I think we had the same thing, but NO Rhett's was way worse than my own. :) 

Anyway, we all got better and went to St. George over the holidays and it caught up with the babies. Poor Hunter got it first and what a sweetheart. He had a bad fever and I knew he must have felt like poo, but he just slept it off for two days! Unfortunately for everyone Ryker got it the day we got home and when anything happens to this kid... it's the end of the world! He must get that from Rhett. He cried and cried and cried the first day. He wanted me to hold him the entire day, which I did, but he still felt the need to cry and let me know exactly how he felt! I think it's funny because as really small babies Hunter adopted the name "Drama Queen," but in all reality Ryker is a HUGE baby about everything! Anyway, we are all feeling fine now, but field trip Monday was cancelled due to Ryker's sickness and bad attitude! We did try to make it better by setting up the Christmas decorations! 

I let Carter do the tree all by himself and was pleasantly surprised he did a fantastic job and even spaced everything out this year! Usually it's just all one big clump!

We made these little photo ornaments and the kids love to look through them!

This has been the BEST idea! They chose little bows for themselves and when they have been naughty their bow goes in the naughty cup. They both know that Santa only visits if you're on the "Nice" list. The twins both got put in the naughty bowl because they pulled out the A1 sauce from the fridge and broke the bottle open. They dipped their hands in it and even after a bath both babes still smell like steak!

I was a little funny about these stockings. Most of you already know. I bought these when I was pregnant two years ago. I was barely pregnant and knew in my heart we were having another boy so I ordered 5. Rhett, Rebecca, Carter, Taylor, and one that said Hunter on it. When I found out we were having twins I felt so bad that I had five that matched and couldn't get another one. I looked on Ebay all the time for the same lady I bought them through. I bought two red plush stockings with Ryker embroidered on them, but neither one matched just right. I was heart broken. I hung the better of the two, but was still disappointed that my son would feel like he wasn't wanted because I had a different stocking for him. A month later after Christmas came and went I felt like I should look once more on Ebay. I found the lady that had done the other five. I almost broke down in tears that very instant and I wrote to her and told her I had had twins and needed another to match! Anyway long story short... I have 6 matching stockings and I LOVE and WANTED all of my children! :) 

My mom painted this little nativity set and the kids LOVE it. They have played with it every year... and I love it because they leave my glass one alone!

I hope everyone has a very MERRY Christmas and a blast decorating for it. I know we did!