Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A visit to one of our favorite places!

It has been flippin' cold here! I have really started to notice it the last couple days because I have been "Monster Mom." I sat down last night contemplated why I have been so grumpy and than it hit me... we haven't been out of the house in forever due to sick kids! I racked my brain for somewhere we could go out in the cold so we went to the Natural History Museum, which is one of my kids ALL time favorite places to go! So today we blew off Carter's "homeschool" and took a much needed day trip!

Hunter playing under a dinosaur bone!

Taylor digging for dinosaur bones! He could seriously play here for hours on end!

Watching the shark and stingray!

Looking at the ostrich eggs!

Playing in the Africa area! This fort scares the crap out of Taylor. It took Carter holding him in there for a quick photo shot!

1 comment:

  1. You guys do so many fun things all the time--Great hands on learning. You deserve Teacher of the Year!
