Thursday, January 29, 2009

Carter's friends.

So about a month ago Carter came home from school and told me that Anias was having a bad day. I asked him why and Carter told me that his grandpa was in jail. I said that would be very sad, but then Carter told me why Anias' grandpa was in jail. It was because he SHOT Anias' brother in the head. What a wonderful place we live in.

On a happier note, Carter snuck one of my snickers bars for snack time today. The little twerp. I asked him if he shared it with anyone and he started to blush. He said that he gave some to Daniella. She has yellow hair, and blue eyes like Carter. She is so good at soccer too. That's all I could get out of Carter before he got embarrassed. I love that he has a little crush. It was so cute to listen to him and see that sweet little blush on his face.

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