Monday, September 20, 2010

Spelling test!

Carter and I have been working so hard on spelling lately! I sometimes feel like he's just not getting it! It goes a little like this-

Me- Rock and then we clap out each letter R O C K, then put them together Rock!

Carter- Rock R O C K mop.

Me-Carter, Rock not mop. R O C K, Rock.

Then back to him- R O C K, pop.

I'm wondering if he's doing it just to bug me! Every night we practice because he has his test on Fridays! Anyway, the first week he came home and he had got 9 out of 10 right. I was so happy that the practicing was doing some good.

Then, last Firday, he came home and was so proud of himself! He pulled out his test and showed me he had got 10 out of 10 right! I jumped up and down like a little school girl. I was so excited until he said this-

"I almost got wig wrong. I thought it was a C, but then I looked at my neighbors paper and he had a G, so I changed mine!"

I then had my first discussion about cheating with Carter!

Wish us luck- first grade is a lot harder than kindergarten was! :)

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