Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

We have been so busy lately. I started watching this sweet little baby girl everyday to help out her Mom, but it has made life a little different. I think I LOVE the fact that the little kids aren't babies anymore. Babies are SO needy! :) We are used to going out on the town and playing, but lately we have been grounded a lot more than we are used to. I hope her Mom gets her into the day care quickly. It has been fun to get my baby fix on, but will be more fun when I just have the little boys again. :)

Oh, and Taylor got an eye infection. Poor little guy. He woke up one morning and it was a little red underneath the eye. In the middle of the day it started swelling and turned bright red. It got a little worse that night and started having junk come out and the next morning he woke up and it was swollen shut. Poor kid. He was so confused! Anyway, I forgot to take a picture of it swollen shut, but here are a couple of the first day. We got him a prescription and it cleared up a couple days later, but it was so hard to keep him away from Abigail and the twins. We used germ-x like crazy for those three days. :)

Here's the reason I thank Heavenly Father EVERYDAY for blessing me with little boys! ;)

Here is sweet little Abigail. She is such a cutie, but is one HARD baby! She really loves to be held and demands it most of the day. I'm still trying to get her on a nap schedule so hopefully we will figure that out.

Rhett has been home a ton more lately. The kids and I are thrilled. He has really made an effort to to be home with us as much as he can. He comes home early almost every night now. He also has been helping me out with the kids and the house a lot lately. It has really made me love and appreciate him a lot more. :)

Another thing we have started with the boys is movie night- We started with Star Wars and are now watching all the Harry Potter's. It has been a ton of fun. Everyone loves to sit on Daddy's lap. He is such a cuddler and loves the attention from the little ones.

Also, I have been slacking in MAKING Carter dress nicely for school. It's hard to get everyone up with clothes on and off to the bus stop. Anyway, he got home from school the other day and he had worn Taylor's pants to school. Total bad Mom moment of the week- I called and asked Ida, the lady I carpool with why she let him get out of the car like that.... she just laughed and said she thought they were capris. Oh well!

I have too many little worries to stress the small stuff.

For the record- Me and Rhett are doing a lot better. He is trying so hard to make the family his top priority and I feel like I'm falling more and more in love with him everyday. I am so proud of all the hard work he does for me and the kids. I love you babe! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bull Fighting

While Melanie was here we left the babies with her one night and took the big boys to some good old fashioned bull fighting. It's a pretty big thing here so we thought we had better take the opportunity to see what it was all about!

When we first got there we got to take a picture with one of the big bulls. The little boys thought this was too cool. Rhett took them down to wait their turn while I stayed and took some video from our seats. Let me just start by saying that it was COLD that night. So cold that I almost bought myself an ugly and extremely over priced sweatshirt for Y3500. Thankfully when I told Rhett I was freezing he just stripped off his sweatshirt and let me have it. What a gentlemen. :)

After I got over how stinken cold it was the show started. They had some dancers that came out that were pretty cute. They lasted about 20 minutes longer than Rhett would have liked them too, but it was fun to watch! Then, they brought out a couple of "fake" bulls, or costumes with two small Asians crammed in the back, and demonstrated what bull fighting was and how they scored points! This was actually the highlight of the night for me. I was cracking up! Rhett was more just annoyed. I think he was still hating on the dancers and in all honesty he was probably a little chilly. He kept saying, "How come they talk for 10 minutes in Japanese and then say one line in English? Can't they just hurry the crap up?"

I then ran up and bought Rhett and the kids a hot chocolate. I tried to surprise Rhett and bought him a white hot chocolate... which is his all time favorite. Instead I got him a nasty coffee that may have had a little bit of white chocolate in it?!? Dang that language barrier. :) Anyway, he drank my hot chocolate and felt a lot better.

Here are my some of my favorite people with the bull before the fighting started!

Carter and Taylor with some HUGE horns on. They had a couple people dressed up that totally made us smile.

I was a little disappointed in the Bull Fighting though. I had pictured something similar to what you would expect in Spain.... you know with the guy and the red cape? Well, here there is no guy. Just two bulls that lock horns for a few minutes and then get tired and one walks away from the other. It was pretty lame! I'm still glad we went because now I know exactly what to expect. :)

We went with a group of friends so it was still tons of fun to catch up and let the kids play together. I just wish it had been a little warmer that night.

Carter was thrilled with the hot chocolate and little Taylor had a great time playing around. They are so awesome! Rhett and I enjoyed the time together and being able to snuggle without the babies. It's always fun to be able to get a small break!

They gave us this magazine right as we got there. It explains how to enjoy bull fighting. As we were reading through some of the articles we were cracking up.

How you can tell when the bull gets tired was they stick their tongue out, pee, then they poop! In that order!!! For the record, we saw no peeing or pooping. Just a couple of lazy bulls.

Sorry there are no pictures of me. I had the camera that night. Just picture me- Hair up in a pony tail, bundled up in Rhett's baggy sweater, with a hot cocoa in my hand. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The tradition lives on~

When I was growing up my favorite memory of Valentine's Day was getting home from school and receiving a HUGE cookie with my name on it from my Mom. I always knew that I was special to my Mom because she took the time to do this fun tradition with us. I decided it was time for me to do the same for my kids.

I actually have been doing a little preschool with the kids lately and thought this would be a perfect fun activity to do with them. YIKES!!! It was so messy. I started the process by having them take turns pulling ingredients into the bowl. This ended up being a bad idea. They were spilling stuff everywhere. I then, put on a movie and told them I would call them out when they were ready to cut the shapes. I rolled out the dough and had them help me cut the hearts. They were so funny and this step was also a little messy. I threw them back in with the movie while I got the frosting ready and while the cookies were baking. I then, pulled them back out again and they helped me decorate all the cookies! This step was by far the worst idea I have had. MESSY MESSY MESSY!!!

I now realize why my Mom had the cookies ready when we got home from school. :)

Anyway, I'm glad I got to do this for my sweet little Valentines!

Rhett took me on a date night a few days before. We went to dinner and watched this guy perform. I can't remember his name, but he was really good. He played the guitar and sang with a band and they totally rocked!!! The food was great and he even gave me a beautiful long stem rose. What a sweetie!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Neo Park~

As I was uploading pictures to the computer I noticed these from Neo Park that never got posted on the blog. I thought they were too cute not to share. We had such a great time here. Feeding the birds was the big hit of the day and they followed the twins around helping themselves to their little bag of food. Hunter loved the attention, but it scared Ryker nearly to death! Poor baby!

We started off the day by going for a train ride. Also a huge hit with the kids. Who doesn't want to ride a choo choo around the park? It was fun!

Then, we walked the park. We fed the birds and headed over to the petting zoo where the kids could pay to walk a dog?!? We opted out even though Carter was uite upset. He had already picked the little puppy he wanted to walk. Instead, we just watched them. :)

Anyway, it was a pretty cool little place. The kids had a ball. Me and Rhett I guess are just harder to please...don't get me wrong... it was okay! :)

The train ride! I had to buy this photo, but thankfully the guy only charged me Y200 instead of the Y600 he initially wanted. He said it was to handsome to throw away. He also gave each of the kids a fun little treat!

Carter- lol, got to love the expression!

Mommy smooching Hunter. I miss that they are getting bigger and I have to steal the kisses!

Rhett feeding the bird. This thing was actually really big and a little intimidating! I almost peed my pants when it bit the food off my hand! It was seriously scary as crap!!!

Helping Ryker feed the bird... yes, this was before his haircut! :)

Rhett and his boys! What a great Dad he is. The little boys LOVE LOVE LOVE him to death!

Ryker checking out the water.

My two biggest boys. Wow they are so handsome looking.


Ryker jumping down to Daddy.

I freaking LOVE this picture. Sometimes Taylor gets mad and gives me this look. It always just cracks me up. He was mad at Rhett for taking away the sticks.

The cutest stinken monkey. I wanted to just take him home. He was totally plying it up for the camera too. We were so close. Carter staed back a couple feet, but that's to be expected after his monkey poo experience! lol.

The train-

There's my happy boy again! He really has a cute little mug when he is in a good mood.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A little homesick~

I have been feeling a little homesick for the last couple of days. My adorable little sister Jenny got married on the 12th of February to a great guy named Aaron. They really are very adorable together. I remember going to a cool fireside with my Dad, Jenny, and Jessica. I can't remember the speakers name, but he was a great motivational speaker. We got done with the fireside and I was just loving feeling so great. I looked over to Jenny and asked, "So was that great or what." To which she replied, "That was so lame. He wasn't even funny at all." It got me laughing so hard... the other thing I remember about this particular fireside was that this cute kid sat in front of us and Jenny looked at me and said, "That's the guy I was telling you about. Isn't he HOT?"

Well, this cute guy happened to be her future husband. It's kind of funny how things work out like that!

I just have been missing my family and wanted to do a little shout out to Jenny. Congratulations Jenny! I truly am excited for you. She has said several things about this guy, but my favorite was when she walked into a room with my Mom and stated, "Why didn't anyone ever tell me making out is so fun?" What a fun girl. I really do miss her. I loved living in Vegas and having her so close to us. We have done a ton of fun stuff together including- ghost hunting, playing in the pool at Solvang, Disneyland, Lego Land, U.S.S. Midway, and a fun boat tour, Air shows, and TONS more fun things..... I love you Jenny!!! Congrats on the marriage. I wish I could have been there!!!

Oh, and welcome to the family Aaron! :)

Queen Mary~ Lion hunting

Beach babe~ Long Beach California!

Lego Land

Our sealing at the St. George Temple~

4th of July in Vegas~ She was a real trooper helping with the kids... even after Taylor dropped a snow cone right down her cleavage!

Her graduation from Massage Therapy School~

Krispy Kreme donuts~ Breakfast of champions!

Disneyland, I think~

Nellis Air Show~

Phoenix~ We have had so much fun with you! I hope to steal you away for a cruise or something when I get back! I am so happy for you sweetheart. Enjoy your honeymoon!!!

Oh, and save up and come and see us. I'll take you guys scuba diving! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just enjoying the beautiful world we live in!

I have been obsessed with the sky for as long as I can remember! I LOVE clouds and my very favorite are the ones that look like cotton candy! I always point them out to Rhett and the boys. They in turn have loved to point out how pretty the sky is for me. I LOVE it here!!!

Isn't it amazing?!?