Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

We have been so busy lately. I started watching this sweet little baby girl everyday to help out her Mom, but it has made life a little different. I think I LOVE the fact that the little kids aren't babies anymore. Babies are SO needy! :) We are used to going out on the town and playing, but lately we have been grounded a lot more than we are used to. I hope her Mom gets her into the day care quickly. It has been fun to get my baby fix on, but will be more fun when I just have the little boys again. :)

Oh, and Taylor got an eye infection. Poor little guy. He woke up one morning and it was a little red underneath the eye. In the middle of the day it started swelling and turned bright red. It got a little worse that night and started having junk come out and the next morning he woke up and it was swollen shut. Poor kid. He was so confused! Anyway, I forgot to take a picture of it swollen shut, but here are a couple of the first day. We got him a prescription and it cleared up a couple days later, but it was so hard to keep him away from Abigail and the twins. We used germ-x like crazy for those three days. :)

Here's the reason I thank Heavenly Father EVERYDAY for blessing me with little boys! ;)

Here is sweet little Abigail. She is such a cutie, but is one HARD baby! She really loves to be held and demands it most of the day. I'm still trying to get her on a nap schedule so hopefully we will figure that out.

Rhett has been home a ton more lately. The kids and I are thrilled. He has really made an effort to to be home with us as much as he can. He comes home early almost every night now. He also has been helping me out with the kids and the house a lot lately. It has really made me love and appreciate him a lot more. :)

Another thing we have started with the boys is movie night- We started with Star Wars and are now watching all the Harry Potter's. It has been a ton of fun. Everyone loves to sit on Daddy's lap. He is such a cuddler and loves the attention from the little ones.

Also, I have been slacking in MAKING Carter dress nicely for school. It's hard to get everyone up with clothes on and off to the bus stop. Anyway, he got home from school the other day and he had worn Taylor's pants to school. Total bad Mom moment of the week- I called and asked Ida, the lady I carpool with why she let him get out of the car like that.... she just laughed and said she thought they were capris. Oh well!

I have too many little worries to stress the small stuff.

For the record- Me and Rhett are doing a lot better. He is trying so hard to make the family his top priority and I feel like I'm falling more and more in love with him everyday. I am so proud of all the hard work he does for me and the kids. I love you babe! :)


  1. I love it! It reminds me of Jenny's bad clothes day at school. As a mom, you just get them fed and out the door. You assume they can dress themselves. Oh well. He's cute even in short pants!

  2. Just found your blog.. Your boys are growing up fast. I didn't know Rhett was in the Naval Dental program at Nellis.. My cousin is graduating from their in May (Nate Williams). Glad you guys are doing well. Sometimes the things that are hardest to go through in life, will give you the greatest joy once you are through them. If you want to read our blog just email me and i will send you a link.

  3. I'm so happy for you! it sounds like you're doing a lot better!! I'd have to agree girls are WAY more demanding! and for the record I think you do an amazing job at getting your kids all dressed so nice, I mean you even do their hair that's more than I can say for myself Jonah only has his hair combed on Sunday if I have time that is, lol!
