Monday, February 14, 2011

A little homesick~

I have been feeling a little homesick for the last couple of days. My adorable little sister Jenny got married on the 12th of February to a great guy named Aaron. They really are very adorable together. I remember going to a cool fireside with my Dad, Jenny, and Jessica. I can't remember the speakers name, but he was a great motivational speaker. We got done with the fireside and I was just loving feeling so great. I looked over to Jenny and asked, "So was that great or what." To which she replied, "That was so lame. He wasn't even funny at all." It got me laughing so hard... the other thing I remember about this particular fireside was that this cute kid sat in front of us and Jenny looked at me and said, "That's the guy I was telling you about. Isn't he HOT?"

Well, this cute guy happened to be her future husband. It's kind of funny how things work out like that!

I just have been missing my family and wanted to do a little shout out to Jenny. Congratulations Jenny! I truly am excited for you. She has said several things about this guy, but my favorite was when she walked into a room with my Mom and stated, "Why didn't anyone ever tell me making out is so fun?" What a fun girl. I really do miss her. I loved living in Vegas and having her so close to us. We have done a ton of fun stuff together including- ghost hunting, playing in the pool at Solvang, Disneyland, Lego Land, U.S.S. Midway, and a fun boat tour, Air shows, and TONS more fun things..... I love you Jenny!!! Congrats on the marriage. I wish I could have been there!!!

Oh, and welcome to the family Aaron! :)

Queen Mary~ Lion hunting

Beach babe~ Long Beach California!

Lego Land

Our sealing at the St. George Temple~

4th of July in Vegas~ She was a real trooper helping with the kids... even after Taylor dropped a snow cone right down her cleavage!

Her graduation from Massage Therapy School~

Krispy Kreme donuts~ Breakfast of champions!

Disneyland, I think~

Nellis Air Show~

Phoenix~ We have had so much fun with you! I hope to steal you away for a cruise or something when I get back! I am so happy for you sweetheart. Enjoy your honeymoon!!!

Oh, and save up and come and see us. I'll take you guys scuba diving! :)

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