Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bull Fighting

While Melanie was here we left the babies with her one night and took the big boys to some good old fashioned bull fighting. It's a pretty big thing here so we thought we had better take the opportunity to see what it was all about!

When we first got there we got to take a picture with one of the big bulls. The little boys thought this was too cool. Rhett took them down to wait their turn while I stayed and took some video from our seats. Let me just start by saying that it was COLD that night. So cold that I almost bought myself an ugly and extremely over priced sweatshirt for Y3500. Thankfully when I told Rhett I was freezing he just stripped off his sweatshirt and let me have it. What a gentlemen. :)

After I got over how stinken cold it was the show started. They had some dancers that came out that were pretty cute. They lasted about 20 minutes longer than Rhett would have liked them too, but it was fun to watch! Then, they brought out a couple of "fake" bulls, or costumes with two small Asians crammed in the back, and demonstrated what bull fighting was and how they scored points! This was actually the highlight of the night for me. I was cracking up! Rhett was more just annoyed. I think he was still hating on the dancers and in all honesty he was probably a little chilly. He kept saying, "How come they talk for 10 minutes in Japanese and then say one line in English? Can't they just hurry the crap up?"

I then ran up and bought Rhett and the kids a hot chocolate. I tried to surprise Rhett and bought him a white hot chocolate... which is his all time favorite. Instead I got him a nasty coffee that may have had a little bit of white chocolate in it?!? Dang that language barrier. :) Anyway, he drank my hot chocolate and felt a lot better.

Here are my some of my favorite people with the bull before the fighting started!

Carter and Taylor with some HUGE horns on. They had a couple people dressed up that totally made us smile.

I was a little disappointed in the Bull Fighting though. I had pictured something similar to what you would expect in Spain.... you know with the guy and the red cape? Well, here there is no guy. Just two bulls that lock horns for a few minutes and then get tired and one walks away from the other. It was pretty lame! I'm still glad we went because now I know exactly what to expect. :)

We went with a group of friends so it was still tons of fun to catch up and let the kids play together. I just wish it had been a little warmer that night.

Carter was thrilled with the hot chocolate and little Taylor had a great time playing around. They are so awesome! Rhett and I enjoyed the time together and being able to snuggle without the babies. It's always fun to be able to get a small break!

They gave us this magazine right as we got there. It explains how to enjoy bull fighting. As we were reading through some of the articles we were cracking up.

How you can tell when the bull gets tired was they stick their tongue out, pee, then they poop! In that order!!! For the record, we saw no peeing or pooping. Just a couple of lazy bulls.

Sorry there are no pictures of me. I had the camera that night. Just picture me- Hair up in a pony tail, bundled up in Rhett's baggy sweater, with a hot cocoa in my hand. :)

1 comment:

  1. That was funny--bull fighting is really bull's fighting each other?!? I enjoyed your post!
