As I was uploading pictures to the computer I noticed these from Neo Park that never got posted on the blog. I thought they were too cute not to share. We had such a great time here. Feeding the birds was the big hit of the day and they followed the twins around helping themselves to their little bag of food. Hunter loved the attention, but it scared Ryker nearly to death! Poor baby!
We started off the day by going for a train ride. Also a huge hit with the kids. Who doesn't want to ride a choo choo around the park? It was fun!
Then, we walked the park. We fed the birds and headed over to the petting zoo where the kids could pay to walk a dog?!? We opted out even though Carter was uite upset. He had already picked the little puppy he wanted to walk. Instead, we just watched them. :)
Anyway, it was a pretty cool little place. The kids had a ball. Me and Rhett I guess are just harder to please...don't get me wrong... it was okay! :)

The train ride! I had to buy this photo, but thankfully the guy only charged me Y200 instead of the Y600 he initially wanted. He said it was to handsome to throw away. He also gave each of the kids a fun little treat!

Carter- lol, got to love the expression!

Mommy smooching Hunter. I miss that they are getting bigger and I have to steal the kisses!

Rhett feeding the bird. This thing was actually really big and a little intimidating! I almost peed my pants when it bit the food off my hand! It was seriously scary as crap!!!

Helping Ryker feed the bird... yes, this was before his haircut! :)

Rhett and his boys! What a great Dad he is. The little boys LOVE LOVE LOVE him to death!

Ryker checking out the water.

My two biggest boys. Wow they are so handsome looking.


Ryker jumping down to Daddy.

I freaking LOVE this picture. Sometimes Taylor gets mad and gives me this look. It always just cracks me up. He was mad at Rhett for taking away the sticks.

The cutest stinken monkey. I wanted to just take him home. He was totally plying it up for the camera too. We were so close. Carter staed back a couple feet, but that's to be expected after his monkey poo experience! lol.

The train-

There's my happy boy again! He really has a cute little mug when he is in a good mood.
Taylor does a pretty good 'stink' face. Jace has it down to an art and gives it to me all the time.
ReplyDeleteI died laughing at the mad look Taylor does. Looks like you guys are always having fun together. Keep It up!