It has been a little chilly here lately. I'm so glad that it i finally starting to warm up a little. I'm nervous for the heat and humidity though. Last summer I thought we were going to die! Anyway, a few weeks ago we went to the aquarium to play and noticed this fun little pit stop on the way back. We always go to pineapple park because the kids love it so much so I put my foot down and said if they wanted to get out of the car we had to try a new place.
We decided on tropical kingdom because we saw a flier for it. It looked like it was going to be such a blast. Tons of different fruit trees and beautiful plants. Well, it's winter here so the fruit trees were a little low on fruit. We did have a fun time checking out the butterflies and the birds though. These birds were not shy and the little ones loved to see how pretty they were. We bought some of the nectar so that Hunter would have his chance to catch the bird and see a closer look. He was in Heaven! :)
They also had goats and anyone who has met my kids knows that they LOVE goats. I personally don't care for them. It's not that they bug me or that I hate them.... it just doesn't get me excited!
Oh well, I would actually like to go back to this place in the sumer when all the fruit is on the trees. It was pretty lame!!! Still fun to get out of the house though! :)
That looks like fun!