Monday, August 8, 2011

Going Private

I have decided to make my blog private. I put too many pictures of my little kids and it kind of creeps me out to see people pulling up pictures of them in their underwear. I am tired of having to go back through all my posts deleting anything I think they may be looking at. I will leave it up for a couple of days until I ask Heather how to go private, but if you still want to look at my blog just email me over your email address and I will add you to the list. Anyone who knows us through family or friends is welcome to keep looking... it's all the random crazies of the world I am trying to protect my kids from. :)


  1. add me!

  2. add me! Our blog is private too, so if you want or need an invite - let me know!

  3. Hey Becky. I went to Hurricane High and knew Heather in high school and found your blog on hers. I would love to keep up on your cute family. My husband is in the air force and going to medical school right now and we have hopes of going out of the country when he starts his active duty like you guys were able to do. Your family is awesome. Anyway, if it's not too weird, I'd love an invite.
    I have a private blog too so I totally understand. :)

  4. becky i want an invite thanks. o and glad you guys are safe!!

  5. we'd love an invite... aliseaman79 at gmail dot com

  6. I like spying on you :)
