Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Hunter and Ryker

At the beginning on August the babies had their birthday. They turned 3 this year and were so excited about the entire "Party" thing. I had asked them a couple months back what kind of birthday party they wanted and they both immediately shouted that they wanted a "Bubble Birthday Party." Okay! That's easy enough.

I went to the toy store to see what kind of fun stuff I could find and was stoked when they had bubble makers and bubbles on clearance. I think I bought about 7 bubble makers and TONS of bubbles. We were really going to make this a fun party. We planned on setting up the slip n slide and filling up the pool with bubbles. We also have the tramp that we had planned on playing on.

The babies were so excited for their bubble birthday party. We asked our neighbor Julie to make the cake since she plays around with fondant. She whole heartedly agreed and went right to work to make something bubble themed. 

Well, meanwhile on their ACTUAL birthday I went to the store and picked up a couple small cakes and balloons and we had a little family party. They are very into BIRTHDAY CAKE and they were so thrilled. They opened their presents and were so happy to have new clothes, new toys, and even some money from great Grandma Sundberg. Daddy completed the perfect evening by making them smoothies. What a fun day for two beautiful boys. We are so happy to have you in our family! These pictures are from the family party we had. I'll post the "Bubble Birthday Party" in another post!

I let them pick out their own colors for the cake and the candles. Ryker picked out a chocolate cake and Hunter picked out a vanilla with white and blue frosting! Both were pretty gross, but the kids liked them!

Hunter is a little more TAME than Ryker... but soon joined in the messy fun of birthdays!

Taylor and Carter have been really in Bakugan lately and picked out these creepy fun little masks at the party store. They can be seen jumping on the tramp, running around the house, and even sleeping with these babies on. To say that they LOVE them is a bit of an understatement! When I see the boys wearing them it cracks me up big time. Especially Taylor because the hair matches. They are too funny lately.

That blue frosting was AWESOME! A little messy, but totally cool!

Yummy! Daddy makes the BEST smoothies for us to eat.


  1. I can't believe they are 3! What handsome little boys they are. By the way, to turn your blog private you just have to go to Settings then Permissions and switch it from "Anyone" may read your blog to "only these readers" and then add in everyone's email address. THey have to accept the invitation in their email and enter a password but I like knowing there is a list of people that have access. You can switch it back and forth from private to public whenever you want. If you are working on your blog book you have to switch it to public while you are trasnferring posts... or slurrping your posts as they put it. Good luck. Make sure and add me and mom.

  2. I love watching these boys grow up and all there fun adventures! The cake is awesome does she ship to the US, LOL! David is going to be 7 in two weeks yikes! Love and miss u all.
