Monday, August 1, 2011

Mona Kids Jungle

Awhile back I took the kids to Mona Kids Jungle with a friend to get out of the house and still enjoy a nice air conditioned room. Mona Kids Jungle is a big play room with TONS of McDonald like play equipment. The kids were in Heaven. We played several games of hide and seek and Carter also kicked my butt in the obstacle course that we set up. In my defense... he fit through the tunnels WAT better than I did.

I looked all over for Carter while playing hide and seek and finally gave up. He showed me this awesome hiding place right up at the very top that he had squeezed into. What an awesome hider!

This was where me and Ryker hid. It was up in one of the tunnels. Unfortunately when you have little partners that are extremely excited you get found REALLY QUICK! :)

He just kept yelling, "Carter, can you get us?"

He found us in no time at all. Taylor hid in the balls and was also pretty hard to find. Great place.

Here was Carter coming to get us.  I love the look on Taylor's face right below this. It was of pure excitement. We all had such a great time here and will definitely have to hit this one up again. It is especially nice on those HOT summer days when it pains you to be outside for too long. The AC is worth every penny that we spent that day.

Carter showing me how he did the balance rope so quickly in the obstacle course. 


  1. That looks like so much fun. I need to find a place like that around here. It's too hot to do anything outside but swim. They had a place like that by us in Washington and the kids and I had so much fun running through it .. so did Craig.

  2. I LOVE that picture of you in the ball pit with your boys and I love that you got in there and played with them, what an awesome mommy!
