Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Typhoon Muifa

We had planned the "Bubble Birthday Party" for the weekend and were all set for some fun. We had invited a few families over to help us celebrate surviving three years with twins. It is quite the accomplishment if I say so myself. Well, on Thursday typhoon Muifa decided to ruin our party. We went into TCCOR 1C (Caution) on Thursday and were actually kind of excited for Rhett to be able to come home from work. We went into TCCOR 1E (Emergency) or what we like to call "LOCK DOWN" a few hours later. We went to the shoppette while we were in TCCOR 1C and grabbed a couple SAD movies. The selection was a little low by the time we got there, but hey we were just excited to have a couple days off work. That excitement wore off real FAST. 

It was suppose to hit us dead on and go right over us. You can see from the pictures where Okinawa is and the typhoon. This thing was BIG! Rumors were that is was suppose to be the biggest typhoon they have had here for the last 12 years!

Well, day one was kind of nice. We had stocked up on food and water, flipped the tramp, and brought everything inside to keep it from getting blown away. We ate a nice meal and put the kids to bed than settled in to watch "Red Riding Hood" and "Paranormal Activity 2." I have to give the storm credit... you made that movie a lot scarier than it would have been. ;) Anyway, it was a great day off.

Day 2- Getting kind of old. We still had power unlike many friends. I almost felt guilty as we played on facebook, watched cartoons, and played nintendo with the kids. We watched it blowing and raining out of control outside, but inside we were all just fine. No problems with the house... no leaking. 

Day 3- Saturday we were still in TCCOR 1E. The kids were starting to drive me insane and Rhett was ready to sacrifice himself to the typhoon just for the chance to get away for a few minutes/hours/lifetime.  Again, I feel so guilty saying this because we still had power. We talked to so many people who lost power that first night and lost water the next day. Here I am complaining about my kids bugging me when people were in their "Leaking Homes" with no power and no water. That mean no AC and let me tell you it is HOT here! About 48 hours after they called TCCOR 1E they called TCCOR 1R (Recovery) A few hours later we were FREE! They called the Storm Watch and let me tell you we were the first ones out the door. 

We had very little damage. We had a couple trees fall over and lots of branches break off, but that was all for us. The only side effects we had from the storm was the lizard and 4-5 spiders that somehow managed to get into the van and ride out the storm there. I hate finding little crawlies on me when I'm driving and have found a TON since the typhoon, but I certainly can't fault them for trying to stay alive. I feel bad EVERY time I have to kill one! :) Anyway, we got 41 inches of rain in 2 days and the trees seems to take the worst of the damage. That and a lot of FLOODING and leaking houses.

Here are a couple of pictures people posted during the typhoon!

 Angry waves at the beach!

Quite a bit of flooded areas and check out this poor little car! ;)

We got a little worried about the trampoline so we sent Rhett out to save it a few times. :) I needed to zoom out a little so you could see how hard the wind was blowing. It was pretty insane, but more than it being a strong typhoon it was LONG! We are so glad that we were all safe and that we kept power and water! It was a great "Mandatory Family Time."

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are all safe... and that your trampoline was saved by Rhett this time. :)
