Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 3

Day 3- Singapore

After the absolute WORST night's sleep in the world we arrived in Singapore. We got a bite to eat at Burger King at the airport. Rhett was super excited because they had Milo. Milo is like hot chocolate in Australia. He took a huge drink and scalded the heck out of his mouth. I felt so bad. He had like 50 pores in his tongue that were completly sticking up in protest. It hurts so bad to burn your mouth and then it feels funny for days. Poor kid! After dropping off the luggage at the luggage locker we were off to explore. We didn't have a hotel room for the day because our flight for Bali was leaving that night at 2:00 a.m. We bought tickets to the hippo tour bus for all day so that we could hop on and off as we pleased. We started the morning by heading over to little India. We had fun walking through their little shops and Fabi and I even got a henna tattoo together. :)

Rhett was teasing me so I made the lady add his initials. lol. 

We got back on the bus and listened to all the fun facts about Singapore and learned several cool things. One thing you may not know about Singapore is that it is illegal to chew gum there. It is also one of the CLEANEST places I have ever been. They have very strict laws on the buildings and they have to be redone every so many years to make sure it looks brand new. It is also very expensive to be a car owner there. They only allow cars that are 5 years old or newer. They send all their older cars to Japan. Interesting, huh? Singapore is also home to the world's largest ferris wheel. 

After being on the bus for an hour or so we headed courtesy of James to the Raffles hotel. The home of the Singapore Sling. It is an alcoholic drink. It was really important for us to stop so that James could get one. They seated us and me and Fabi starting chowing down on the peanuts. They brought us a menu and James almost died at the price. It was $26 for one Singapore Sling. We quickly looked over the menu hoping to find something we could actually afford, maybe a coke or something. ;) They had nothing so after weighing our options we left $5 for the peanuts and quickly snuck out just praying that our waiter wouldn't come back in time to see us.

We went back to the bus and rode over to the botanical garden. It was so gorgeous. We walked around for a few minutes, but it was later in the afternoon and we were all dragging. No hotel was pretty brutal. We found this beautiful gazebo with a few benches down by the pond. We sat to rest for a bit and immediately feel asleep. I'm pretty sure we slept for about 2 hours. We woke up to a landscaper sweeping the gazebo. I was a little embarrassed, but he didn't seem too mad about our little rest. 

We headed over to this little Thai restaurant to have dinner. It was so good, but I have NEVER had anything so spicy in my life. Rhett thought his mouth was on fire. It was funny because we all ordered it mild and the staff thought we were hilarious as we drank gallons of water with every bite of curry! 

We split up after dinner so the boys could check out  this world famous 5 story electronics store. The girls went to check out clothes and other stuff like that. We just had a place to meet back in an hour. 

After we got back together we headed back to the airport. 

We hung around the airport for several hours trying to sleep on the benches before boarding the plane for another HORRIBLE flight! Thankfully it was only a an hour and a half to Bali. Which was good! We were starting to really get to know each other well at this point with no sleep and crazy food schedules. We learned that Fabi and Rhett are ruled by their stomaches. If they started to get mad we knew it was feeding time. :)

On the hippo tour bus. Look how tired we look! lol. It was a double decker bus and we loved sitting up on the top for the breeze and the view! It was a fun experience. It told you about every area before it would stop so you could see all the cool attractions when it dropped you off.

This is Fabi's tattoo. I got mine on my lower belly. I did not realize that you had to wait 20 minutes for it to dry. I looked AWESOME with my shirt tied up high. I was so embarrassed! :)

The largest ferris wheel in the world.

The Raffles Hotel- Home of the Singapore Sling.

Me and Rhett at the clock in front of the botanical garden.

Fun fact- Singapore is one of the only cities to have a tropical rainforest within it's city limits.

Everything was just so green! It really was a very beautiful city. Very expensive though!

It's funny to look at this picture. I have to say that honestly I slept better right here than I did on the plane coming to Singapore. Poor Rhett though. That does NOT look comfortable!


  1. I hate red eye flights! I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the Chinese people. I've heard everything is super expensive there. Singapore looks awesome though. Glad you enjoyed your trip! :) Keeps the posts a comin'.

  2. I like Singapore! I hope i get to see you ride an elephant in Bali!!!! Thanks for the fun experience to see the world through your eyes.
