Saturday, April 14, 2012

Carter's Baptism

I am literally in tears as I write this post. If you read the post from last week my computer crashed. I thought I had lost all of these pictures from his special day and I seriously could not be happier that the apple store was able to save them. I will try to remember this when I get the bill. lol.

Anyway, Carter had the opportunity to be baptized April 1st at Toguchi Beach. He was quite the trooper as the water is still a bit chilly. We had a wonderful program and then Carter was welcomed as the newest member of the branch. It is hard to be so far from home and family, but we have the most fantastic branch and felt the love of all the people that came to celebrate this great moment with Carter.

A few pictures with Mommy and Daddy before heading to the beach-


We then, took a few pictures after Mommy set up all the refreshments. 

The whole Olsen Family. 

Carter I just want to take a moment to tell you how proud of you I am. You have made a great decision and I know your Heavenly Father was smiling down on you that day. 

You are such a blessing to our lives and am so happy you're in our family. Keep your head up and choose the right. I love you kiddo.

Carter was given a very special jar to collect some sand and shells to remember this special day. Taylor and the babies searched high and low for the very best shells to add to his collection. Taylor was really mad at Rhett when he said he couldn't take his junk home. lol.   

Brother Wilson is Carter's scout leader and has been a big impact on Carter's life.  

What a handsome boy. 

Here is our some of our branch family that was able to share in Carter's special day. Thank you all for being there and showing your love for our family when we are away from home. We LOVE this branch!


  1. I love the pictures of the baptism. What a special day! Wish we could have been there, but love that we still get to share the moment through pictures!

  2. What a beautiful day!! We are so proud of you, Carter!

  3. This is amazing. What an awesome place to be baptized! Way to go, Carter!
