Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Heart broken-

I am so bummed right now. I was so excited to get Carter's baptism pictures up on the blog that I downloaded them right when we got home from the baptism. All day I played with cropping and choosing the perfect pictures for him to remember his special day. I wanted to stay up and put them on the blog, but it was already past midnight and I decided to just do it in the morning. That night my hard drive crashed and I lost everything. I am heart broken. Not only did I lose the baptism pictures, but everything from 2012. I wish I had taken the time to back up the pictures onto the external hard drive, but I usually wait until the year is over.

I am sending my computer into apple so hopefully they may be able to save the pictures, but the guy on the phone said to not get my hopes up. :(

The other bad news is that I won't really be updating my blog until I get my computer back so who knows how long it will take.

Grr... I hate technology!


  1. That is such sad news. I almost lost my pictures from spring break, I was downloading and my camera died, and I had it so it erased my memory card. I think my heart stopped for a minute, then I remembered I had them backed up on mom's computer. I'm really sorry. It's always important pictures, it's never something that you can take again easy. I hope that the guy can fix your computer, wish you could send it to Jeremy. He's helped me so many times. I'm looking forward to hearing about his baptism. I'm sure it was such a special day for you guys. Love you guys.

  2. We will miss your blog, but now maybe we can do a skype sessions to keep on on those cute little kids.

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you get those pictures back.
