Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,

We miss you so much so Mom said we can write you a letter to tell you about everything we have been doing.

We have really been enjoying the outside weather lately. It is so fun to go outside and ride our scooters, climb the tree, or just jump on the trampoline. Mommy loves to bring out her kindle and watch us play even though she says it's really hard to read when we want her to watch us all the time. We still love bug hunting and we love to squirt all the bees with our squirt guns. Hunter stepped on a bee the other day though and it HURT! He cried and cried. We called him a girl and laughed. He stopped crying after snuggling Mommy for a little bit.

Taylor and Carter are busy playing basketball.... pictures to come soon from this. We are really getting good Dad. I got 2 rebounds and made a shot at my last game. (Carter) I dribbled it down and got the ball 2 times Daddy. (Taylor) He also got knocked down several times and Mommy got mad. She yelled at the ref that they were playing basketball not football and made another Mommy mad. 

We really miss you Daddy and sometimes we think you're here. The other day we were coming home from the babysitters and saw your car and got so excited. We forgot that we dropped you off at the airport until Mommy said you still weren't home. We miss you the most at night time. Mommy sometimes gets annoyed when we ask for 35 drinks of water or to go to the bathroom 5 times, but not you. You always let us come out and give you extra snuggles. Mommy also said that we can't buy donuts everyday. She is so mean, but don't worry Daddy we make sure to tell her that she is mean and that we love you the best. She tries to fake crying to get us to change our minds, but we just laugh and laugh. She is so funny.

We had a camp out the other night in the living room because it was so rainy. It was lots of fun to play games and watch movies so late at night. The next day we were extra grumpy and Mom said, "No more late nights." She is not a very nice Mommy. 

She is trying to do everything you told her to do though. She has been taking us to basketball and besides when Hunter fell off the top bleacher we have all survived it. 

Sometimes when we are really missing you she does fun stuff with us like tickle time, pillow fights, and playing basketball on the trampoline. She is actually a pretty good shot and almost always wins when we play pig. We can tell that she misses you a lot. She has a hard time sleeping without you so and we can hear her cleaning at night. We offered to come and sleep with her, but she was sunburned and we just ended up hurting her in the night. Now she says we have to sleep in our own beds. 

We love you Daddy! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks and lets skype again. We love to see your face on the computer. It is so funny. We love to put our faces super close to the camera so you can see us really well.

We have attached some pictures so you can see what we have been up to! 

You took our little phone so we are learning to share. We like to play the games together. Sometimes we fight over it, but then Mommy takes it away so we are starting to share better.

Mommy bought us a basketball hoop and put it by the trampoline so that we can make a basket. We practice almost everyday and love to play with all the friends.

I'm so good I can even dunk it!

 We like to play on the bleachers while the big boys are at practice! Look how silly we can be.

Hunter scared Mommy to death when he fell off. He popped right back up though and after a few hugs felt better!

She even let us put soap and make the trampoline super slippery. We had so much fun in the sprinkler.

Mommy had a rule that no one could pick up the sprinkler, but I did it anyway to squirt Carter and Taylor. They got so mad, but I just laughed and laughed..... until-

She put me in time out.

That is pretty much all that we have been up to while you have been gone. We love calling you everyday and love when Mommy goes through pictures with us. Come home soon Dad. We miss you!

Your little boys!


  1. That's so sweet! Families are best when everyone is together. Love you guys!

  2. That is such a cute post! lol I love the time-out picture. :)
