Monday, April 23, 2012

When you chance to meet a frown-

Daddy Help Me!

I seem to have lost my smile since you left. Little things just make me so mad and my "stink face" has been showing up a lot.

Ryker's personality has taken Rhett's deployment especially hard. It breaks my heart when he just melts down in tears for Daddy. I wish I could do something to help him. I have started to let him carry around his daddy doll more lately and I can only hope that it will change back when Rhett gets back in a week.

He wakes up crying for Daddy at night and we have made countless 2:00 a.m. phone calls to get him calmed down. That has been nice with his training that the time difference he is awake and able to calm down his son.

Ryker has ALWAYS been a daddies boy and we will be okay, but right now he is expressing himself with his angry face more often than not. I am trying to stay calm and in charge while still being comforting to him while he is confused as to why Daddy doesn't just come home. I have high hopes for the next 7 months that we will be able to figure something out. :) But for now I will just have to learn to enjoy this handsome new facial expression he has come to own. lol

Oh and the kid can throw a tantrum like no ones business! This one was over getting his own bag of cotton candy at the derby fest. I bought 2 bags for the little boys to share which in my opinion is 2 bags too many when you're married to a dentist, but that wasn't enough for Ryker. He wanted his own. I stood my ground and was only slightly embarrassed as people stared at me like I'm the worst Mom ever. I even had someone offer to buy him his own bag. I politely declined, thanking them but letting them know it wasn't about the money.

 I am still getting used to doing things by myself and can honestly say that the nights I end up in bed in tears are getting less. I am not saying any of this to make anyone feel bad for our situation because honestly this is MILITARY life, but I just need to vent for a second. THIS IS HARDER THAN I WANTED IT TO BE! I will always be more aware of the sacrifices the military has given me and have a new found knowledge of the beautiful families that stand behind all of those brave soldiers! I had the honor to go to the deployed spouses dinner and enjoyed seeing that I am by no means alone in this endeavor. I also have had many blessings come to me in terms of service. My neighbors went out and mowed my lawn the other day. I also bought a basketball hoop for the little boys and went out to put it together. I was struggling and near tears and I cursed all the little things I have taken for granted that Rhett does. As I struggled... two guys in uniform came over and quietly took the tools from my hand and without saying a word took over my job of setting up the basketball hoop, but it didn't stop there. After they got it all set up and secured it with sand bags they grabbed the basketballs and played with my little boys who are so deprived of male attention right now. I broke down with gratitude as I went to bed thinking of how lucky I am to know such great people. I AM BLESSED! I have had countless offers to babysit. The military sticks together and I am so grateful that they have taken me under their wing and know if I need anything I only need to ask. Sometimes.... I don't even have to ask- people just seem to know! 

Anyway, enough of that! :) We are all doing well and are looking forward to Rhett coming home to out process before he leaves for good. It will be a month of bliss! 


  1. I love you! Tell little Ryker I love him too! Sorry it is so hard, but I'm glad you have great neighbors and friends.

  2. I remember carter having that same look when he was little. Good luck!

  3. Ohhh, that is SO sad! Brooke had a really hard time when Craig left over the summer last year. She is totally a daddies girl and had to adopt birdwatcher the elephant to cope.

    Just when you think that they don't do anything to help out they leave and then you realize you were wrong. ... as you go to bed completely exhausted every single night.

  4. So so sad. That's great that you guys have the daddy dolls. You should look into the hallmark books that he can read a story to your kids. Dylan loves these. We have four, and could just listen to these story books all day long. Another thing that helps is to have him leave a voice message on your answering machine. It helps us to be able to hear his voice. I'm so happy that you have such good friends. The military always steps up and can help with anything you need. We've had our disposal and air conditioner fixed this last month. I swear anything that can go wrong happens when Ben is gone. lol. Call anytime you need to talk to an adult. Love you guys.
