Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fukushen Garden-

A few weekends before Rhett left I got down on my knees and BEGGED to go to Fukushen Garden. It was a little chilly and the kids were being a lot buggy and honestly we just needed to get away for the day. I made a big breakfast and skipped out on dishes so that we all had full bellies. That is one thing that I've learned- when I take the time to do the dishes they are all hungry again when I finish. 

Anyway, we were off. We had a ball playing near the waterfall and walking around this beautiful garden.

Isn't this place gorgeous?!?

They had all these fun little trails around the waterfall. The kids had the most fun just running and seeing where they would end up. We did have one little mishap where Ryker got lost and started crying. We found him though and gave him extra cuddles to calm him down.

Taylor's favorite part was going right behind the waterfall. It was so hilarious to him that he was "in" the waterfall.

 Daddy strolled up to the top to see the view.

Then, he spotted this guy and had to give it a try. lol. It was so funny because then all the little boys had to try to do the pose.

It was a lot of fun playing at the garden and I am so glad that we took the time to do this together. It was nice to just hold hands with Rhett and enjoy a few minutes of quiet while the kids ran and played beside us. It was one of those moments where you just think.... This is the life!

My favorite boys across the water from me!

 We spotted some really AWESOME trees on the way back to the car and knew we just needed to climb them for awhile. My boys are REALLY into climbing trees right now and I can spot them at least 5 times a day out in our tree. It would make a great treehouse. I love that they love the outdoors. It is so much nicer than them always playing video games.

While most of us were climbing the tree I glanced over to this. He cracks me up so much, but who wouldn't want to stop and dance with a beautiful girl? Thanks for always making me laugh Rhett. I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun place to hike and play. The trees remind me of some in Hawaii that we stopped to play in while heading to a waterfall.
