I have a few things on my bucket list. One of them was to run a color run. Another one was to run in a tutu. I thought I would knock them both off my list for my birthday. My Dad's birthday is a week before my own so I bought us both tickets for the color run. I also bought one for Carter and kids run free. Carter unfortunately broke his collarbone and was out so Julie took his ticket. She also took all of my kids. She is so AWESOME! Thanks Julie. I know you had a rough 5k. :)

We bought a few extra color packets to throw at each other during the race. I was fun.
Julie and Dillan getting ready for the race.

The three of us started together and Julie opted to take the stroller with the other three little ones. I told Dad to take off and I would go at Taylor's pace. He did such a great job. He needs to work on his pacing a little, but I was so proud of him. We hardly walked at all.
It was so much fun. We ran through several color stations and got sprayed with all sorts of colors. Taylor was loving it. He would try to dodge the people throwing chalk. It was such a fun mess!!!

Taylor and I after the race!
Julie's crew-
After the race we all got together and threw our chalk in the air. It was such a huge color bomb. So cool!
After running this race I have definitely decided I need to DO MORE RAD STUFF!