Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Zion with Daddy

Ok, so I am now officially so behind on my blog that it isn't fun anymore. :( With that being said... it is important to me to document my families lives. So here goes-

About a month after we moved home Rhett was able to come for a week on his way to Lakenheath England. The kids had been missing him so it was fun to be able to play with him for a while before he left.

We went to Zion. It is one of my favorite places and we were excited to go hiking.

The babies LOVE little creatures. They will try to catch pretty much anything that is moving. It is fun that they are such little boys. :)

This particular day it was a tiny frog that they were playing with.

It was a pretty tiring day. We did several hikes and ate a picnic lunch. They love spending time with their Daddy.

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