The babies found another pet. They love praying mantis' They truly are so cool. It reminded me of our first pet squidward. All the spider hunts to find her food. Yuck! lol
The other day we were running a little late on everything. Dinner, baths, bedtime. It happens when you have four kids. Anyway, I got the twins out and sent them in to put on pajamas. It was too cold. They ended up just falling asleep on the floor before I could go help them. Poor little poops!
I found this note in Taylor's backpack. I agree. He is special!
He has been struggling with the distance from Dad a little more than the others. I decided he needed a special date. We had an away game so I packed us a scrumptious lunch full of Taylor's favorite snacks and picked him up early from school. We rode the bus together and all the girls fell in love with him. Coach had brought his son as well so it was perfect. Zach kind of kept an eye out for him while I was coaching the team.

I left the kids cookies with a note. Its hard when I have away games and don't get to see my babies right after school. When I got home they had all written me thank you notes for the cookies. I heart them!
I get to help out with centers in the twins kindergarten class. I have come to really love this time. They love that I'm there helping out and I love that I get to see them. They are total cuties!
Julie let the kids play with her rabbits. They feel like they need a pet. I disagree. I clean up enough stuff. Maybe when they are older and can take care of a pet I will reconsider.
The babies were too cold to get dressed and I came in and they were both sound asleep on the floor in their towels. They are complete nuts.
I took Taylor to a volleyball game to get a little one on one time with him. The next week I went to grab the kids from school and Hunter said," Remember that today is our special day?" I dropped the other boys off at the house and the two of us hit up McDonalds before the volleyball game. It's not a special date without a happy meal. :) Love my little ones so much!
I also got to go on a special lunch date with my big boy on my birthday. He was still out from the broken collarbone. It was such a special day. I love when I get to spend alone time with them. It makes it really special for both of us.
Special one on one time is awesome. My kids love it too ... probably because it doesn't happen very often.