Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Fun- "Christmas Present"

December Fun
"Selfie Love"

So, for Christmas I decided to pamper myself. I cut off all my hair over the Summer and have been dying. I've missed it. For my Christmas gift to myself... I decided to get extensions put in so I could have my long hair back. YAY!

Having a boyfriend gone... we send back and forth a lot of "selfies." 
So ENJOY! lol.
Nothing like a little "Selfie Love."

I even send him ugly ones! (Of first thing in the morning)
That's when you know he truly is your best friend in the world! 

Posting these reminds me of the part of "13 going on 30" where they say, "It's not like she needs a play by play." lol. Well, there you go everyone. This is a play by play for my bestie. haha

December NOT so Fun- "Airport Goodbye"

December NOT so Fun-
Dropping the boys off at the airport

Rhett and Claudia wanted a turn to have the boys for Christmas. I don't blame them because kids make the holidays so special, but I am the worst at sharing. Not all sharing, if you wants my eggs or a bite of my candy bar.... it's all yours. BUT, sharing my kids?! I am not very good at it. 

Anyway, it was their turn so I dropped off my cute little munchkins at the airport with their sweet Grandma that offered to go and help out. I have missed them like crazy. I think I cried all the way home from the airport. I really am a wreck without my kids. I got back home and tried to enjoy the break. I forced myself to relax and take it easy and surprisingly enjoyed myself... for the first two days. Then, I just wanted them back. lol. It was the perfect break. I had just ended the semester and was dying for a little sleep and a day of nothing but movies, but after those days I have been ready for them to come back home. 

They have had a blast with their dad and stepmom and got spoiled like crazy for Christmas. I am just excited that we will be reunited in just a few short days! They truly are my world! 

The only way I have been able to handle their absence from my arms is through FaceTime and being able to see them and talk to them every single day. 

 I love you little MUNCHKINS and can't wait to pick you up in a few days! 

P.S. Thank you Rhett and Claudia for spoiling the little boys and showing them such an amazing time. They have had so much fun and I'm thankful for all you do for them. They are so lucky to have you in their lives and they are so excited to meet their new baby sister!

December Fun- "Concert Chaos"

December Fun-
Carter's Band Concert 

This year has been so fun with Carter in beginning band. He plays the clarinet and is really good at it. I know because he practices at home ALL THE TIME! lol (still a bit squeaky) I won't lie. I was a little concerned when he first chose the clarinet, but felt much better when his teacher informed me that they had more boys playing it then girls this year. I know how hard middle school can be and really didn't want him to be buried just for the choice of instrument he chose to play. It's fun to see him playing and am excited to see how he does with the guitar he just got for Christmas. 

It's really fun to see him practicing and the concerts are really fun to go to as well. He refused to let me take a selfie with him because his friends were around. hahaha. I told him if he didn't stop for this one picture then I would kiss him right on the mouth in front of everyone. It scared him just enough to stop and pose for me before taking off for the auditorium three feet in front on me. 

When did I become embarrassing and not the cool mom anymore?
 I don't like it. Not one bit. lol

At home though when his friends are no where around he still gives me the awkward side hug and sometimes I can even still pin him down for a quick kiss of the cheek. :)

He is growing up and I am so proud of the man he is becoming. I really am so lucky. He is such an amazing boy. He is so good with his brothers. They are all so close to each other and truly are all best friends. They love playing video games together and they love playing zombie tag outside together. Carter is a great sport with sharing and him and Ryker are best buddies. I see them snuggling each other all the time on the couch. Now, if I can just get him to focus and try a bit harder in school. Being organized is not his strong point. I love you little buddy and am SO SO happy that you're in my family. It just wouldn't be the same without your cute smiling face!

December Fun- "Snow Day"

 December Fun
"Snow Day"

We got dumped on! There was almost 2 feet of snow on the ground. 
So that only means one thing... SLEDDING!

We are lucky to have had Madelyn with us for the holidays. 
She LOVES the snow and begged all day long to go outside and play in it. 
She couldn't wait for the boys to get out of school and the sledding to begin!

Matthew is an absolute rockstar when is comes to having fun. Seriously a PRO!
He has been such an amazing best friend. A total light in my life. It's hard to picture my life without him in it and all the crazy ideas he comes up with. He is also so patient with all the kids and truly believes, "The more the merrier." 

Matthew tied the sleds to the back of the truck and pulled the kids around for hours. He is seriously such a trooper. 

 My favorite little snow buddies. All of the kids had a total blast. 

This was the first day that Matthew was having problems with his eye. He didn't let that stop the fun. He is a total snow boy and loves it when it snows!! His eyes literally light up every time it starts snowing. It makes me laugh because I am quite the opposite. I think it is beautiful, but HATE to go out it it. Poor Matthew ended up in the hospital for 10 days of antibiotics. I felt so bad for him. I think it may have been a spider bite that turned into a horrible infection. The doctors were really worried because he is a pilot and they took his treatment very seriously! I'm glad they got it handled and that he is back to his amazing self.

December Fun- " Cheat Day"

December Fun
"Cheat Day"

I have been trying to eat clean and joined a challenge to get back into shape. The little boys have not been enjoying it nearly as much. I have been gentle and still make them crap sometimes, but it has been a bit different diet than what they have been used to. 

So after I completed the challenge, we decided we needed a "cheat day." 

When we "cheat"... we go all out!

It was a fun, much needed break!

December Fun- "WinterFest"

December Fun-
Winterfest 5k Fun Run

My family has made it a tradition to do the Winterfest fun run in LaVerkin each year. This was our first year doing it and it was such a fun one. We came the night before to surprise my family who didn't know we were planning on running it with them. I had packed us all nice warm running clothes, our pajamas and tooth brushes, all my make up and my running shoes in a duffel bag and headed to Hurricane. As we are headed in I went to grab the duffle bag and realized I had left it by the front door at home. :( I have been slowly losing my mind lately as it is filled up with Chemistry and History. Anyway, it was a total bummer. I hate it when stuff like that happens. I like being prepared.

The next morning we woke up bright and early and grabbed anything warm that grandma and grandpa could find. We then headed to the park for the snowflake scavenger hunt. The boys had a blast scouting out the snowflakes they wanted then running to the prize table to claim their prize. We made quite the killing. I got a $25 gift card to a new restaurant in town, Taylor won a cute little backpack, and the other three chose big gatorades. lol

My Little Racers

The twins holding their big drinks and posing with a snowman.

Getting ready for the race. It was so cold. 
Thankfully they had Zumba going on and fires to warm up by. 

Please don't mind how ugly I look. The makeup was in the bag with my shoes. I walked the 5k with Aaron, Grandma, baby Grace in my snow boots. haha.

December Fun- "Decorating Christmas Cookies"

December Fun
Decorating Christmas Cookies

 I started my first semester back to school and to be honest... it's really tough. It has taken so much more time and a lot more effort than I had initially thought possible, but I made it through the first semester. I missed playing with my kids so as soon as it ended I needed to be back to the fun mommy they have been missing.  We started the fun in December by decorating Christmas cookies.

The twins were really quite serious about it and made the night entertaining.

 They all had so much fun and we all giggled the night away. I think that was partially due to the amount of candy that did NOT make it onto the cookies and ended up in our mouths. That, and the fact that I have little boys. That means that at least one of the cookies ended up with a penis on it. I couldn't help but just laugh along with them.

The Finished Products