Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Fun- "Decorating Christmas Cookies"

December Fun
Decorating Christmas Cookies

 I started my first semester back to school and to be honest... it's really tough. It has taken so much more time and a lot more effort than I had initially thought possible, but I made it through the first semester. I missed playing with my kids so as soon as it ended I needed to be back to the fun mommy they have been missing.  We started the fun in December by decorating Christmas cookies.

The twins were really quite serious about it and made the night entertaining.

 They all had so much fun and we all giggled the night away. I think that was partially due to the amount of candy that did NOT make it onto the cookies and ended up in our mouths. That, and the fact that I have little boys. That means that at least one of the cookies ended up with a penis on it. I couldn't help but just laugh along with them.

The Finished Products

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