Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Fun- "Christmas Present"

December Fun
"Selfie Love"

So, for Christmas I decided to pamper myself. I cut off all my hair over the Summer and have been dying. I've missed it. For my Christmas gift to myself... I decided to get extensions put in so I could have my long hair back. YAY!

Having a boyfriend gone... we send back and forth a lot of "selfies." 
So ENJOY! lol.
Nothing like a little "Selfie Love."

I even send him ugly ones! (Of first thing in the morning)
That's when you know he truly is your best friend in the world! 

Posting these reminds me of the part of "13 going on 30" where they say, "It's not like she needs a play by play." lol. Well, there you go everyone. This is a play by play for my bestie. haha

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