Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Fun- "Snow Day"

 December Fun
"Snow Day"

We got dumped on! There was almost 2 feet of snow on the ground. 
So that only means one thing... SLEDDING!

We are lucky to have had Madelyn with us for the holidays. 
She LOVES the snow and begged all day long to go outside and play in it. 
She couldn't wait for the boys to get out of school and the sledding to begin!

Matthew is an absolute rockstar when is comes to having fun. Seriously a PRO!
He has been such an amazing best friend. A total light in my life. It's hard to picture my life without him in it and all the crazy ideas he comes up with. He is also so patient with all the kids and truly believes, "The more the merrier." 

Matthew tied the sleds to the back of the truck and pulled the kids around for hours. He is seriously such a trooper. 

 My favorite little snow buddies. All of the kids had a total blast. 

This was the first day that Matthew was having problems with his eye. He didn't let that stop the fun. He is a total snow boy and loves it when it snows!! His eyes literally light up every time it starts snowing. It makes me laugh because I am quite the opposite. I think it is beautiful, but HATE to go out it it. Poor Matthew ended up in the hospital for 10 days of antibiotics. I felt so bad for him. I think it may have been a spider bite that turned into a horrible infection. The doctors were really worried because he is a pilot and they took his treatment very seriously! I'm glad they got it handled and that he is back to his amazing self.

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