Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Fun- "Concert Chaos"

December Fun-
Carter's Band Concert 

This year has been so fun with Carter in beginning band. He plays the clarinet and is really good at it. I know because he practices at home ALL THE TIME! lol (still a bit squeaky) I won't lie. I was a little concerned when he first chose the clarinet, but felt much better when his teacher informed me that they had more boys playing it then girls this year. I know how hard middle school can be and really didn't want him to be buried just for the choice of instrument he chose to play. It's fun to see him playing and am excited to see how he does with the guitar he just got for Christmas. 

It's really fun to see him practicing and the concerts are really fun to go to as well. He refused to let me take a selfie with him because his friends were around. hahaha. I told him if he didn't stop for this one picture then I would kiss him right on the mouth in front of everyone. It scared him just enough to stop and pose for me before taking off for the auditorium three feet in front on me. 

When did I become embarrassing and not the cool mom anymore?
 I don't like it. Not one bit. lol

At home though when his friends are no where around he still gives me the awkward side hug and sometimes I can even still pin him down for a quick kiss of the cheek. :)

He is growing up and I am so proud of the man he is becoming. I really am so lucky. He is such an amazing boy. He is so good with his brothers. They are all so close to each other and truly are all best friends. They love playing video games together and they love playing zombie tag outside together. Carter is a great sport with sharing and him and Ryker are best buddies. I see them snuggling each other all the time on the couch. Now, if I can just get him to focus and try a bit harder in school. Being organized is not his strong point. I love you little buddy and am SO SO happy that you're in my family. It just wouldn't be the same without your cute smiling face!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how come we weren't invited to this concert???? Good Job Carter!
