I would like everyone to take a good look at these beautifully carved pumpkins at the bottom of the page. This will be the LAST Halloween that we will be carving pumpkins. It SUCKS, it's messy, and you have to do all the work!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Carving the "bloody" pumpkins!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Halloween Cookies!
Jenny and Justin surprised us and came to Las Vegas a couple days ago. We have had a good time having them here. Yesterday we made Halloween cookies. We used the cookie cutters and cut them out while Carter was at school. Taylor loved helping. He was also loving all the attention! Then when Carter came home we got down and dirty with the decorating! It was a blast. Even the babies loved all the candy that got dropped by Taylor!
We have a neighbor across the street named Bob. Bob is a really old guy that sits and watches over the neighborhood. He's a little grumpy, but is quite taken with me and the kids. He makes it his mission to come outside every time I go outside so we can talk. I actually enjoy the adult conversation so I don't mind one bit! Well, I thought it would be a great idea to take Bob a plate of decorated cookies. Carter was like, "Who is Bob?" We see and talk to him at least 3-4 times a week. Silly little monkey. Anyway, Julie took the little boys over with the cookies and Bob's wife answered. That threw the boys a little. Carter looked up at Julie really confused and said, "Is that Bob?" While Taylor yells really loud from behind Julie "Halloween Bob!" I really need to find out her name!
Anyway we had a fun day yesterday! My kids love when their fun aunts and uncles come over to play! Today we are having a steak BBQ and a friendly pumpkin carving competition! Should be fun!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Baby Aerobics
Going to pick up Carter from school is extremely boring for the babies! Today they were cracking me up doing a little Aerobics. I think they were showing off a little. Hunter would stretch then look at me as if to say, "Can you do this mommy?" The answer is NO Hunter. There is no way I can do some of the moves you were pulling off... at least while keeping my legs attached to my body! These are just a few poses they were doing. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Talented Babies!
Rhett has always loved Michael Jackson's music and is starting to instill this into Carter lately. The little boys and I have watched this video several times and I think it's so funny! Carter is amazed that such little babies can do all that stuff. :) He also wants us to teach Hunter and Ryker how to skate! That would definitely be interesting!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Rhett's Birthday Party!
For Rhett's Birthday we decorated the house. The little boys always get extra excited when there are decorations.... it really makes it a birthday! We called him at lunch and sang to him and as soon as he got home Rhett, Taylor, and I went to the Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur! It was a blast! Taylor has been needing some alone time with me and daddy and he was free. Therefore, he got to come with us. He loved the horses and I loved watching him do everything that Rhett did. From clapping and shouting to putting his fingers in his mouth and trying to whistle. What a sweet little boy.
We got there a few minutes early so we went to the arcade with Taylor and let him play a few games. He loved the attention. He won two little stuffed cows! He carried them around the entire time. He also loved that they had pop there and chugged tons of pepsi. He took full advantage of me and Rhett watching the show! Rhett had a really fun time. He turned 30 this year so we want to celebrate big when we have a little bit of time off, but we'll have to wait and see. He has been SO busy with work. I hardly ever even see him. Happy Birthday baby. I love you tons.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fighting Babies!
I feel like lately the babies have been fighting over toys a ton! It doesn't matter which toy Hunter is playing with Ryker goes over and tries to take it. This usually results in Hunter throwing his face to the carpet and bawling until somebody gets his toy back for him. Ryker is kind of the silent manipulator. This fight below Hunter had the toy first and held his own. Which made Ryker bawl! Carter took the toy away and both babies followed him around the living room screaming. Thanks Carter... what I really needed was both babies crying.
I have started buying two of the same toys to make sure the babies will each have one of their own, but then Taylor just takes one away to play with it. I give up! They are boys they'll work it out, right?
Jacket Weather
We are SO excited! It is finally starting to cool down here in Vegas. I never thought the day would come that we would actually have to wear jackets to take Carter to school. I thought the boys looked so cute that I needed to take a picture. Oh and I'm sorry all my posts look the same. I haven't had time to play around and figure out how to do anything else.
Halloween Decorations!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Tooth Fairy
Carter has had a "wiggly" tooth for a while. I have had to make sure all the snacks for school are cut up properly and bananas are the best snack for a child with a "wiggly" tooth! Carter has assured me several times. I was not the least bit disappointed when he had me feel it the other day and it was so loose! I couldn't resist! I had Carter sit down and I started to pull it! He said it hurt a little and didn't want me to pull it anymore. I told him that I was just going to wipe the blood with a tissue. I grabbed the tissue and yanked. It came out so easy. He was so excited to put it under his pillow! The next morning he woke up to 10 quarters under his pillow. I think the tooth fairy really must have been rummaging through her purse to find that money. He was thrilled though! I will post a picture a little later on this week!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
First Impressions
I talked to quite a few of you over the last couple weeks and you know how stressed out I have been over this BBQ that we had yesterday. It was at one of Rhett's bosses house. I was so nervous because I wanted to make a great first impression and not embarrass my husband in front of the "big bosses" of the Air Force. Let's just say It didn't go as planned!
We had several offers to watch some of the kids while we went and Rhett really wanted Dr. Chartier to meet his whole family. I wish so much we had taken up some of those offers. :)
Rhett had me grab the little boys swimming suits because they had a pool in the yard and thought it would be fun for them to swim. Right when we got there I got really nervous because they did have a pool, but no fence! I had Rhett go out and grab the double stroller as I held the twins who were mad dashing towards the water. I put the babies in the stroller and Carter went in and changed into his swim suit. The water was really cold so Taylor didn't want to put his swimsuit on. They had all these little squirt guns that the kids were playing with.
We were there for about 15 minutes and I was cutting up a hot dog when Carter yelled, "Mom." I turned around to see my little Taylor who had just fallen into the pool. I sprinted over and jumped in to grab him. I pulled him out of the water and made sure that he was okay. Then I turned around and saw EVERYONE staring right at me. Yeah not the best first impression I've ever made. I tried to laugh it off by saying, "Yeah the water is a little cold, but you just have to jump in. You'll get used to it." The water was a shallow so my head never went under, but I was soaked from my elbows down to my shoes.
I stressed out for the next 1/2 hour or so, but then I started to calm down and enjoy myself! I was so embarrassed and thought for sure I had embarrassed Rhett as well, but he gave me a big hug and kiss and told me that everything was fine! I hated that that was my first impression to his bosses until we started to leave and one of the doctors came up and shook my hand. He said he was really impressed of my reaction time. That I never hesitated before jumping in the water to save my little one. I guess that he now knows I am a responsible parent that would do anything for my husband and kids! I guess it's not that bad of impression after all!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Kid Tag (Taylor)
Taylor was pretty sad when I was just asking Carter questions so I decided he is a big boy too and should also get to play this game. I did have to change the questions to some I thought he would know the answers too.
What's your name buddy?
How old are you?
5 (He is actually 2)
What's your favorite color?
What do you love to eat?
I Love tweets.
What color is your hair?
Who is your family?
Carter and the beebies.
Where does money come from?
Daddies shoes
What cartoon is your favorite?
Bootsie (Dora)
What's your favorite drink?
Chaulky (Chocolate milk)
How are you and mommy the same?
You a girl, me boy... you have hair no red, me red, you no red. You a tutti butt mommy.
What do you love about daddy.
Daddy m & m's.
Not bad for a two year old! He sure didn't talk as much as Carter did!
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