Sunday, October 11, 2009

First Impressions

I talked to quite a few of you over the last couple weeks and you know how stressed out I have been over this BBQ that we had yesterday. It was at one of Rhett's bosses house. I was so nervous because I wanted to make a great first impression and not embarrass my husband in front of the "big bosses" of the Air Force. Let's just say It didn't go as planned! 

We had several offers to watch some of the kids while we went and Rhett really wanted Dr. Chartier to meet his whole family. I wish so much we had taken up some of those offers. :) 

Rhett had me grab the little boys swimming suits because they had a pool in the yard and thought it would be fun for them to swim. Right when we got there I got really nervous because they did have a pool, but no fence! I had Rhett go out and grab the double stroller as I held the twins who were mad dashing towards the water. I put the babies in the stroller and Carter went in and changed into his swim suit. The water was really cold so Taylor didn't want to put his swimsuit on. They had all these little squirt guns that the kids were playing with. 

We were there for about 15 minutes and I was cutting up a hot dog when Carter yelled, "Mom." I turned around to see my little Taylor who had just fallen into the pool. I sprinted over and jumped in to grab him. I pulled him out of the water and made sure that he was okay. Then I turned around and saw EVERYONE staring right at me. Yeah not the best first impression I've ever made. I tried to laugh it off by saying, "Yeah the water is a little cold, but you just have to jump in. You'll get used to it." The water was a shallow so my head never went under, but I was soaked from my elbows down to my shoes. 

I stressed out for the next 1/2 hour or so, but then I started to calm down and enjoy myself! I was so embarrassed and thought for sure I had embarrassed Rhett as well, but he gave me a big hug and kiss and told me that everything was fine! I hated that that was my first impression to his bosses until we started to leave and one of the doctors came up and shook my hand. He said he was really impressed of my reaction time. That I never hesitated before jumping in the water to save my little one. I guess that he now knows I am a responsible parent that would do anything for my husband and kids! I guess it's not that bad of impression after all! 

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