Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kid Tag (Taylor)

Taylor was pretty sad when I was just asking Carter questions so I decided he is a big boy too and should also get to play this game. I did have to change the questions to some I thought he would know the answers too. 

What's your name buddy?

How old are you?
5 (He is actually 2)

What's your favorite color?

What do you love to eat?
I Love tweets.

What color is your hair?

Who is your family?
Carter and the beebies.

Where does money come from?
Daddies shoes

What cartoon is your favorite?
Bootsie (Dora)

What's your favorite drink?
Chaulky (Chocolate milk)

How are you and mommy the same?
You a girl, me boy... you have hair no red, me red, you no red. You a tutti butt mommy.

What do you love about daddy.
Daddy m & m's.

Not bad for a two year old! He sure didn't talk as much as Carter did!


  1. He is sure a cute little 2 year old--it is hard to picture him in his terrible 2's when he answers so sweetly. Enjoy them all, they grow up SO fast.

  2. That's hilarious!!! "you have hair no red, me red, you no red." LOVE IT! So, after my bishops interview last night I got released as the Activity Days Leader and Miamaid Advisor and got called to be in the Relief Society Presidency. I'm freaking out a bit about that one. They must have some serious faith in me. I wish you lived closer! I play co-ed volleyball every other Saturday and it's so fun! I think I'm better then I was in highschool. Although, it's kinda scary when 6'5" Bro. Smith is flying through the air to spike it and you know it's headed right for your face. I could end up deformed but it's worth it.

  3. Never going to delete your comment. I love it when I hear from you. Volleyball is SOO fun. I look forward to it every other week. Our stake actually has womens volleyball every Tues. night too and it's pretty competetive - the way I like it. It's in Vancouver though and I havn't been in a while. The relief society pres. has been trying to talk me into going with her and since I don't have Activity days or young womens any more I might be able to. It's fun but I have to drive all the way out to Vancouver and it doesn't start until 9:00 - by the time I'm home it's 11:30 and I'm so wound up I can't sleep. It's funny though cuz the relief society pres. totally reminds me of you. She's so fun, and sporty, and witty. She just randomly started up Volleyball on Sat. mornings - you should check around with your ward and see if anyone else plays. You should come visit me too. :) we'll go play volleyball and leave all the kids with Craig. Oh wait, last time I left the kids home with Craig, Jace ended up in the emergency room. But seriously, I havn't actually seen you in over 2 yrs. I think I may book a ticket to Vegas anyways as soon as I find a good deal.

    I was thinking, not like you don't have enough on your plate but you should look into doing a preschool. You're so good with little kids and I thought you were going into teaching anyways back in college? My friend back in Centerville did that and she not only loved it but she got to stay home with her kids and she made bank!

    Oh, the id thing on my blog is free. Just click on it and copy and paste the code it gives you into your sidebar. Pretty much the same way you put your music thingy on.

    Thanks for the long comment! :) I think Taylor and Brooke would get along well too. It was funny last time we saw them back at mom's, when Julie picked them up, Taylor was mean to everyone BUT Brooke. He just kept giving her smootches. We all thought it was hilarious. A little casanova already.

    I don't know if I told you already but I'm hosting a mom's only New Moon party. We're going to party it up after we tuck the kiddos into bed and then go to the midnight showing. I know I'm such a nerd. Craig rolls his eyes whenever he hears anything about Twilight. He wants to go stay at a motel that night. He's like "Hmm. .a bunch of loud, twilight loving moms here all night . .I'll pass on that one." I didn't think the first one was that great or anything but I thought it would fun to have a girls night out. I wish you could be here because you know I'd make you come even if you didn't want to. I miss you tons Beck. I still look up to SO much. You'll always be my big sister! :)
