Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

Carter has had a "wiggly" tooth for a while. I have had to make sure all the snacks for school are cut up properly and bananas are the best snack for a child with a "wiggly" tooth! Carter has assured me several times. I was not the least bit disappointed when he had me feel it the other day and it was so loose! I couldn't resist! I had Carter sit down and I started to pull it! He said it hurt a little and didn't want me to pull it anymore. I told him that I was just going to wipe the blood with a tissue. I grabbed the tissue and yanked. It came out so easy. He was so excited to put it under his pillow! The next morning he woke up to 10 quarters under his pillow. I think the tooth fairy really must have been rummaging through her purse to find that money. He was thrilled though! I will post a picture a little later on this week!


  1. That's so fun. One of Jace's friends lost a tooth the other day and after he found out that you got money from the tooth fairy for teeth he had me checking to see if any of his were loose. They wern't.

  2. That is too cute! He is so big to be losing teeth already I can't believe it!
