My Birthday was so great this year! Rhett made is extremely special for me. I feel as though I need to say that because my birthday has always been a little bit of a sore spot for me. I guess I have always felt like Rhett screwed it up. Just a couple examples-
Let me take you back to September 25, 2006.
Rhett got up early and went to school. He was always super busy while in Dental school, but I thought I would at least get a kiss good morning. I waited for the call... and it never came. I got more and more excited through out the day waiting for him to come home and surprise me for my birthday! I thought about making a cake, but didn't want to mess up anything Rhett had planned so I just sat at home and waited, while all the phone calls from loved ones streamed in.
By the time Rhett got home I could barely contain my excitement for I had such great expectations. He came home tired from a long day at work, gave me a peck on the cheek and asked me what was for dinner. I quickly made him something never once mentioning that today was my birthday. I never let on until we went to bed at 11:00. After prayers I just leaned over and gave him a kiss and told him thanks for making my birthday such a wonderful day. Yeah, guilt trip.
September 25, 2007
Rhett forgot again! I did get this line at dinner time though, "Oh yeah it's your birthday. I remembered on the way home and thought about stopping to get you a card, but was in a hurry. It's the thought that counts though, right?"
September 25, 2008
Rhett got up and let me sleep in. Woohoo he finally was going to get it right. I took Carter with me to pick up a Boston Cream Cake to have after dinner. I was so excited because Rhett had the day off so we could actually do something fun. :) Rhett was going to run over to the Nissan dealership and test drive a new car for a gas card they were giving out. He called me several hours later and said he really liked the Armada and with the twins coming was really wanting to get one. I told him I liked the pathfinder and to save his money first, but that I would support his decision. The neighbors came over to sing to me and have some cake while Rhett was at the dealership. I put the kids to bed and was watching t.v. when he finally came home with a new SUV. He was at the dealership a total of 11 hours on my birthday!
After these stories you can see how my birthday would be a little bit of a sore spot. Well, I am happy to report that Rhett did everything perfect this year. He woke me up with a kiss in the morning. He wrote Happy Birthday on facebook. He texted me randomly through out the day. He called at lunch. Then when he came home he not only thought about picking up a card, but really did it and a dozen roses to go with it. The next day he took me dancing with a group from Loma Linda Dental School. I love you Rhett. Thank you for making my birthday such a great day. You truly made me feel special. I just can't wait until next year! :)
Please excuse the outfit. It is a bit immodest, but fit the occasion, clubbing in Vegas! And even though I didn't love Rhett's hat, he got a TON of compliments on it. He looked a lot more stunning than the photo shows!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad this one was happy! :) I love the interview with Carter--you must be really old!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he remembered this year! :) Glad you had fun. I keep trying to get Craig to take me clubbing since I've never been before but he doesn't want to. He says his clubbing days are over and he's too worried I'll get picked up by someone else. :)