Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Cookies!

Jenny and Justin surprised us and came to Las Vegas a couple days ago. We have had a good time having them here. Yesterday we made Halloween cookies. We used the cookie cutters and cut them out while Carter was at school. Taylor loved helping. He was also loving all the attention! Then when Carter came home we got down and dirty with the decorating! It was a blast. Even the babies loved all the candy that got dropped by Taylor! 

We have a neighbor across the street named Bob. Bob is a really old guy that sits and watches over the neighborhood. He's a little grumpy, but is quite taken with me and the kids. He makes it his mission to come outside every time I go outside so we can talk. I actually enjoy the adult conversation so I don't mind one bit! Well, I thought it would be a great idea to take Bob a plate of decorated cookies. Carter was like, "Who is Bob?" We see and talk to him at least 3-4 times a week. Silly little monkey. Anyway, Julie took the little boys over with the cookies and Bob's wife answered. That threw the boys a little. Carter looked up at Julie really confused and said, "Is that Bob?" While Taylor yells really loud from behind Julie "Halloween Bob!" I really need to find out her name!

Anyway we had a fun day yesterday! My kids love when their fun aunts and uncles come over to play! Today we are having a steak BBQ and a friendly pumpkin carving competition! Should be fun!!! 

The group cutting the shapes!

One of the finished pans.

Cute flour nose Taylor!

Decorating begins!

Taylor sat strategically right in front of the candy. Do you blame him?

Taylor and Julie's ghost!

Justin's buffalo! Yeah I know it's not really Halloween. He's a rule breaker!

Jenny's ghost!

Carter's ghost!

A Plate of cookies all done!

1 comment:

  1. I feel left out. Looks fun!

    We. .I mean I carved pumpkins the other night for family night. They turned out pretty cute. Jace and Brooke picked out the faces they wanted on their pumpkin and they helped get the goo out of them too. It was very exciting - especially when Brooke slipped on the goo and fell of the table. At least we didn't have to go to the emergency room.

    Love ya, Bec!

