Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Field Trip Monday- Ethel Chocolate Factory!

For field trip Monday this week we went to Ethel Chocolate Factory. We thought this was totally appropriate since we just read Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The kids thought it was so COOL. It was fun to walk down the line and see how they make chocolates. The workers thought the little boys were hilarious and kept waving at them through the glass! They gave them each a free sample after we walked through the factory. That was awesome because it drops you right into the gift store.... where my boys thought they had died and landed directly in chocolate heaven! There was such a variety of chocolates and I loved teaching the little boys all about cocoa beans and how chocolate was made!

This was an attempt at a group picture! I don't even know why I try! :)

Carter in front of the Cocoa pod and beans.

A worker sorting through the broken chocolates.

Pouring the chocolate into molds.

Finished product!

Yummy milk chocolate!

The gift shop. Looking over all the goods. They had SO MUCH chocolate there!
My angel "Julie" watching the twins. 

The cactus gardens!

It was really fun to go the the chocolate factory! I Really LOVE field trip monday. We also hit up the Nevada Public Health Care Center for the H1N1 immunizations for all the kids! The kids liked the chocolate factory WAY more! :)

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