Monday, November 23, 2009

A new look!

I have always been one to change the color and style of my hair. For those of you who have known me for years this wouldn't be a surprise. Rhett loves long dark hair. I personally love it shorter. A compromise was that I bought him a sexy wig... for me to wear. When we went on our double date I dressed up and put on the wig and when Rhett came home he was SO excited! lol. It definitely won't be an everyday look for me, but Rhett likes it, so maybe occasionally when we go out he can pretend he's with somebody else! The picture doesn't really do it justice... but just take my word this is one SEXY wig! :)




  1. Too funny! You guys crack me up!! I love that you solved the problem by just finding a wig! Clever girl! : )

  2. ow ow! love it you look hot! tssssss

  3. I kind of the like the "natural" look in the first picture best--but you're cute and can wear just about any style.
