Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Break-Hiking!

Pre-warning: This is going to be a long post with lots of pictures because I LOVE them all and can't delete any of them! Over the Thanksgiving break we had a blast! We played games, visited family, and ate until our bellies hurt! It was so fun to be back in St. George. The little boys favorite thing that we did was when we went hiking on the red hill. Rhett took me back about 10 years when we went to the "crack" to hike. It was fun. I can't believe I still made it through with ease... Rhett on the other hand only made it about half way. Carter and Taylor thought it was so funny and called him "fat man" the rest of the time we were there! We loved having the cousins there hiking with us! Thanks Melanie and Steph for watching those sick little babies while we went out and had fun!

I learned a valuable lesson about Taylor that day! He is kind of a "leap before you look" kind of guy. We had to really watch him close so he wouldn't get hurt! Carter was a lot more careful and just loved following Alec wherever he went! Thanks for all the fun memories over this holiday break. We can't wait to see everyone again over Christmas!

Me and Taylor hiking the "crack." Taylor could pretty much walk straight forward!

The fat man jumping over the top!

Alec, Carter, and Taylor hiking at the top! 

The whole group!

Carter loved the little holes in the rocks and climbed in every one he came across.

I LOVE this picture of Taylor. He was fearless and had a blast. 

Some of my favorite boys!

Carter getting ready to jump down a small cliff!

Mommy and Taylor at the top!

The group right before we got rained on! Thanks guys... this was a total blast and heaven knows I needed the exercise! :)


  1. Looks like fun. I missed you for thanksgiving. I was sad that I was the only one not there. We had fun with family visiting up here though.

  2. Cute pictures Bec. No wonder you couldn't not post a single one. Looks like you had a blast. We loved getting to see all of you.
