Tuesday, November 3, 2009

sick kid

I had the plan to blog the pictures from halloween last night, but Taylor has been crying about his belly hurting for almost two weeks now. Last night he screamed through dinner so I knew it was time to make a, not so quick, trip to the ER. We were there from about 7:00 to 11:45 and found out that he has the stomach flu. The doctor wants us to watch him close and make sure he gets all the fluids he needs. He has also had a really high fever for the last two days!

I have never wanted to punch a nurse as much as I wanted to last night! We had waited in the waiting room for the first three hours and finally got pulled back to the back. The guy said the doctor would be there in just a few minutes to check on Taylor. I waited for 40 minutes and thought I had better go check and make sure they hadn't forgot we were in there. There were these two really loud nurses that were talking and going around to get everyone's Roberto's orders for dinner. I walked up to the one and said, "We have been back here for quite awhile. Can you please check with a doctor and make sure they haven't forgot about us?" She looked at me with a smug little look and said, "It takes awhile." 

I then stated a little annoyed, "Yeah I know. We have been here awhile. Please just check for me." I walked back to the little sheeted off room to wait for a doctor. He came a few minutes later and told me sorry for the wait. He continued to check out Taylor and said that his belly was really churning and to expect either vomit or diarrhea for the next few days. He left and told me that it would only be a few minutes for the discharge papers.

A few minutes later I heard the snotty little nurse reply to the other, "I think I'll make her wait a few more minutes." What a tool! I just grabbed Taylor and walked out right by her. I told her that I was leaving. She then said she had the discharge papers and if I would please just sign them. I was seriously so annoyed. I wish now I would have put in a complaint. At the time I was just ready to take my sick little guy home!  

Oh and don't mind my no make-up and hair not done. That's what happens when you have four babies!

A side note- I pulled Carter out of school and will be home schooling him this year. The school is starting to get a lot of the swine flu through out and I don't want to risk all my little ones safety for him to learn how to read. I can teach him that at home.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that Taylor is sick. Sick kids is no fun + you have to try and keep them away from each other so everyone doesn't get sick and it just never works. Homeschooling is probably a good idea - I guess Mrs. White isn't as cool as we all thought! :) I think it's hilarious that Rhett likes Micheal Jackson so much - when I think of Micheal Jackson I think child molestor freak. I guess I do have Thriller playing on my playlist though. Craig and I went to an adult halloween party as Swine FLu. Everyone avoided us like the plague. J/K. It was a lot of fun. We told scary stories by candlelight. I told mom's ghost story but I found out that I'm not a very good ghost story teller. Hang in there with all the craziness that life brings. Love you tons! Heather

    Oh yeah - ER nurses are "sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream." quote from JUNO.

    Our trip to the ER to get Jace stitched up was less then fun too and took FOREVER!! for a 5 minute procedure.
